
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Kigoda’s advice on mobile money transfer

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has asked financial institutions to increase usage of mobile phones in their services to accelerate access to financial services by majority of entrepreneurs.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


2014/2015 BUDGET: Mobile users spared of money transfer cost

>Mobile phones customers are no longer subjected to excise duty on money transfers through banks, non-bank financial institutions and telecommunications companies.


9 years ago


Mobile money payments rise

Mobile money payments continued growing at a faster pace than plastic cards in the first half of this year, underlining the former’s rising popularity.


11 years ago


Kenya's mobile money revolution

New mobile banking service takes on dominant M-Pesa


11 years ago


Give us value-for-money in mobile phones: customers

Mobile phone operators in the country have been called upon to fix recurrent quality issues and give value-for-money services to their clients.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Mobile money transactions hit 57pc

Mobile money transactions hit 57pc  The Citizen Daily


10 years ago


Cross-border mobile money transfers announced

Bharti Airtel was yesterday expected to announce the launch of cross-border mobile money transfers for its customers in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda on the sidelines of the East African Business Summit in Kigali.


11 years ago


MP: Pay teachers' salaries via mobile money services

Daily News
MP: Pay teachers' salaries via mobile money services
The government has been advised to utilise available mobile money services to ensure timely efficient payment of teachers in the country's remote areas who now suffer from ever late payments blamed on geographical limitations. Delivering the advice ...
'Community banks need close support'Daily News

all 3


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Mobile Money: How it increases your safety when shopping online


Who hasn’t heard of Tigo Cash, M-PESA or Airtel Money? Starting from the smallest transactions of buying airtime credit, up to purchasing a complete interior for your new kitchen. Mobile Money is taking Tanzania by storm.

Its many applications and benefits offer new opportunities that go hand-in-hand with another rising star in Tanzania’s technology landscape: E-commerce or online shopping.

E-commerce has been around in Tanzania for quite some years now, but took a huge leap forward 2 years...



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