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Kikwete: Alien laws a major letdown

Daily News
Kikwete: Alien laws a major letdown
Daily News
FOREIGN laws that many African countries, including Tanzania, had inherited from their former colonial masters, have remained a major stumbling block in the provision of equal justice to all, President Jakaya Kikwete stated. “Many of the alien laws are also ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Kikwete tells off critics over controversial laws

Dar es Salaam. President Jakaya Kikwete declared yesterday that he would not be cowed by donor countries that are threatening to cut aid funding to his government over controversial Bills he recently signed into law. 


10 years ago


Rais Kikwete akabidhiwa Joho na Cheti cha Shahada ya Doctor of Laws

Makamu Mkuu wa Chuo kikuu cha Dar es Salaam Profesa Rwekaza Mukandala akimkabidhi Rais Dkt .Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete cheti cha Shahada ya Heshima ya Doctor of Laws(Honoris Causa) wakati wa hafla fupi ya kumkabidhi Rais joho na cheti iliyofanyika ikulu jijini Dar es Salaam na kuhudhuriwa na maprofesa waandamizi wa chuo hicho.Tayari Rais Kikwete alishatunukiwa shahada hiyo katika mahafali ya 41 ya UDSM yaliyofanyika Octoba mwaka 2011. Profesa Agnes Mwakaje wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam akimvika...


5 years ago

The Sun

Mars has alien LIFE lurking at its icy poles, astronomers believe

Mars has alien LIFE lurking at its icy poles, astronomers believe  The Sun


5 years ago


Nasa spots bizarre alien 'tiramisu' pattern on the surface of Mars

Nasa spots bizarre alien 'tiramisu' pattern on the surface of Mars molecules found on Mars 'consistent with... life,' study says  Fox NewsView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Sun

Space mining could lead to string of human colonies on alien planets

Space mining could lead to string of human colonies on alien planets  The SunNASA's mission to the the rocky asteroid Bennu just got a wee bit trickier ☄️  InverseNew release: Asteroid Mining Market to grow $3868.9 million, globally, by 2025 at 24.4% CAGR  WhaTech Technology and Markets NewsNASA Detects Biggest Asteroid To Approach Earth This Month  International Business TimesBeyond the Weather: Watching an asteroid  KCRGView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago

International Business Times, Singapore Edition

Alien life confirmed on Mars? New Japanese study suggests possibility of microbes on Red Planet

Alien life confirmed on Mars? New Japanese study suggests possibility of microbes on Red Planet  International Business Times, Singapore Edition


10 years ago

Daily News

Procurement laws 'not respected'

Procurement laws 'not respected'
Daily News
WITH more than half of government expenditure going into the acquisition of goods and services annually, it is inevitable for institutions to comply with the public procurement law, to ensure value for money in the implementation of their plans. “Adherence to ...


11 years ago


TLS wants seven more gag laws to go

Seven laws should be amended to ensure more freedom of expression in the country, the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) said yesterday.


10 years ago


Copyright laws are here to stay

University students are often handed out a list of required books and other readering materials for the academic year. But all too often-due to stock shortages or escalating book prices- students often opt for photocopied textbooks which are supplied to them by book sellers or the learning institutions at lower prices.



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