
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Kikwete decries high interest rates

High interest rates charged by financial institutions, specifically banks, have been a hindrance to business growth and expansion in the country, the President has said.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Bank interest rates should be reviewed

The request by the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Industry and Trade to the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) to lower Treasury Bill rates to encourage a similar move by commercial banks on interest rates on loans should be hailed.


9 years ago


Zambia raises interest rates to 15.5%

The African country's central bank has pushed up interest rates from 12.5% to 15.5% in an effort to curb soaring inflation.


11 years ago


Get smart, lenders, and cut your interest rates

The fact that lenders are behind the failure of many start-up businesses should raise the red flag. Basically, lenders are meant to supplement the growth efforts of small-scale enterprises.


5 years ago

CBS News

Fed slashes interest rates to near zero to prop up economy during coronavirus pandemic

Fed slashes interest rates to near zero to prop up economy during coronavirus pandemic  CBS NewsView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Combating Tanzania's High Child Marriage Rates

Combating Tanzania's High Child Marriage Rates
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania — Happiness Rhobi, in the Mara Region of Tanzania, was 12 years old when her parents decided she was old enough to be married. They pulled her from school, planned to have her undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) and ...


11 years ago


House team faults banks’ high rates

High interest rates that local commercial banks impose on borrowers were yesterday blamed for the central bank’s move to increase Treasury Bill rates.


9 years ago


UN fights high HIV/Aids rates in SADC prisons

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) have launched a joint Regional Programme entitled: Promoting Human Rights and Access to Health Services in Prisons in Southern Africa.


10 years ago


High tax rates put Tanzania in bad position, warns study

Tanzania’s tax rates are among the highest in East Africa. The situation that puts the country at a disadvantageous position in terms of revenue payment, a new report says.


9 years ago


Kikwete's Administration Scores High On Gender Equality

Open Democracy
Kikwete's Administration Scores High On Gender Equality
TANZANIA is acknowledged for its commitment to amend the remaining discriminatory laws that hamper gender equality. The law of marriage and property and inheritance rights and the country's commitment to implement the principle of 50/50 is a bold step ...
Missed opportunities: gender and the UN's peacebuilding reportsOpen Democracy
Turn words into action involving women for lasting peaceDevex
Action needed to...



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