
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Kinondoni District to verify land titles

Kinondoni District to verify land titles
Daily News
RESIDENTS of Kinondoni District in Dar es Salaam have been instructed to submit copies of their land titles or any document that certifies their legal occupancy of property or land for verification. The move is intended to solve land disputes in the district as the ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Endorse idea of issuing digital land titles now

Endorse idea of issuing digital land titles now
Land is perhaps the most vital asset for one to possess in this country and elsewhere, for a lot of investments depend on its availability. For instance, for a village to build school, health centre or any structure, it has to find a plot where to construct it. This also ...


11 years ago


Tarime District prepares to end land conflicts

Tarime District prepares to end land conflicts
The newly established Tarime Town Council (TTC) is to prepare a master plan in an effort to reduce frequent conflicts among Kurya sub-tribes . The proposed plan is aimed at demarcating administrative boundaries to identify different land uses, a senior ...


10 years ago


Why land clashes continue unabated in Kiteto District

He was famous as Mzee Mhogo, and not surprisingly. Cassava is one of the crops under cultivation at his farm at Chekanao village in Kiteto, some 18 kilometres from the district headquarters.


10 years ago

Daily News

Kinondoni resident decries land grabbing

Kinondoni resident decries land grabbing
Daily News
DAR ES SALAAM resident whose plot in the posh suburb of Mbezi Beach has been grabbed, decries a gang syndicate involving some officials from Kinondoni Municipality. According to the victim, a gang invaded the plot and forcefully evicted the inhabitants ...


11 years ago


Top Land Mabingwa Safari Pool Kinondoni

MABINGWA watetezi klabu ya mchezo wa Pool ya Top Land ya Mkoa wa kimichezo wa Kinondoni jijini Dar es Salaam imemefanikiwa kutetea Ubingwa wake katika fainali za mashindano ya mchezo huo yajulikanayo kama “Safari National Pool Competition 2014” kwa kuwafunga timu ya klabu ya Meeda 13-5, yaliyomalizika mwishoni mwa wiki Mkoani humo na kuzawadiwa pesa taslimu Shilingi 800,000/ = pamoja na tiketi ya kuwakilisha Mkoa wa kimichezo wa Kinondoni kwenye fainali za kitaifa zinazotarajiwa...


11 years ago

Daily News

Former civil servants urged to verify records

Former civil servants urged to verify records
Daily News
OVER 600 former government employees in Kagera Region who have not been verified have been urged to report to the Regional Sub-Treasury offices for verification with relevant documents to facilitate the exercise. Officer-in-charge of the Kagera ...


10 years ago


Prosecution cites failure to verify bail documents

Prosecution cites failure to verify bail documents
Kawe legislator Halima Mdee, who is also national Chairperson of the women's wing of the opposition Chadema, is escorted out of Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The Chairperson of the Chama Cha Demokrasia na ...
Mdee in trouble for illegal demoDaily News

all 3


11 years ago


Court should verify CA's mandate in altering draft Constitution

Court should verify CA's mandate in altering draft Constitution - call
As the Constituent Assembly is put on hold, a cross section of Dar es Salaam residents have urged the courts to intervene and determine whether the CA has the mandate to alter and/or insert new provisions in the second Draft Constitution presented by the ...


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Land grabbing in Tanzania: The truth and fallacies behind land acquisition

>For years now, the decision by the government to invite and accommodate investors in land has divided the nation into two main groups—those who views this move as legalizing land grabbing and the other group that sees this move as a modern way of introducing commercial farming in Tanzania.



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