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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Lack of family unity, love fuels number of street children

Lack of family unity, love fuels number of street children
Daily News
LACK of love among family members and broken marriages are among major causes of increased street children, it has been disclosed, as Kagera Region registered over 150,000 orphans last year. The Co-ordinator for Tumaini Children's Centre, in Bukoba ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Lack of family planning fuels child labour - authorities

Lack of family planning fuels child labour - authorities
Lack of family planning education has been cited as a major factor behind worsening child labour problem in Geita Region. According to reports, parents in the region bear many children and fail to provide them with basic needs such as food, clothes, ...


11 years ago


Revisiting Family Integration, Unity Vital to Protect Children

Revisiting Family Integration, Unity Vital to Protect Children
Child abuse victim Nasra Mvungi. . . Children continue to suffer at the hands of those meant to protect them. (File Photo). TEARS may run dry but sad memories will linger on for Nasra Mvungi, who was subjected to hell on earth, by not only her aunt and her ...
Nasra Mvungi's episode could be tip of the iceberg!Daily News

all 3


10 years ago

South Charlotte Weekly

'The Lunch Project' fuels children at home and abroad

South Charlotte Weekly
'The Lunch Project' fuels children at home and abroad
South Charlotte Weekly
Wofford visits Selwyn Elementary for the fourth time since 2012, to teach a global education class on Tanzania and The Lunch Project. Crystal O'Gorman/SCW photo. Forty second-graders gather in Lecia Shockley's classroom at Selwyn Elementary School for ...


10 years ago


Why street children problem persists

Why street children problem persists
Rapid increase of the number of street children is due to non-implementation of the children's rights, which in turn is because of community members being unaware of these rights, an expert said. Dominick Balama, representing Tuseme Children ...


10 years ago


Dodoma street children plight

>Poor parenting, divorce and economic hardships have forced many children here to engage in petty businesses and other money-making ventures in order to earn their daily bread and even school fees.


9 years ago


Embrace peace, love and unity this X-mas

Christians around the world today mark Christmas Day – an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. This is one of the world’s biggest religious and cultural celebrations. It is a public holiday in many parts of the world, and is celebrated culturally by a large number of non-Christian people too. Christmas is an integral part of the end of the year holiday season.


9 years ago


When children have to buy snacks from street vendors

It is time for the break at Kibangu primary school, when a number of pupils can be seen rushing to the school compound, few meters from the school wall.


10 years ago

Daily News

Project to repatriate street children a success

Project to repatriate street children a success
Daily News
THE Government has implemented a pilot project geared towards reuniting street children in Dar es Salaam with their families in regions they come from. The Deputy Minter for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Stephen Kebwe said through the pilot project, 226 ...
Government under fire for failure to keep Dar cleanIPPmedia

all 9


10 years ago


Violence behind persistent increase of street children

Violence behind persistent increase of street children
Violence on children is the leading cause of the persistent increase of street children with many opting to face the uncertainties and dangers of the streets than endure violence at home. Speaking during a media advocacy and stakeholders workshop on child ...



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