
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


LAKE ZONE: District residents vow to sue executive director

>Some residents of Hospital Street in Igunga District  have vowed to file a case against the district executive director (DED) for allegedly failing to pay them compensation for their land which was taken by the council for expanding the district  hospital.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: District faults loan system

>Magu District Council has not been allocating 5 per cent of its annual budget for soft loans to women and youth in the previous three financial years (2011/2012 to 2013/2014) as required by the government policy, The Citizen has learnt.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Tarime district hospital faces acute shortage of safe blood

>Tarime District Hospital faces an acute shortage of safe blood as well as blood-testing equipment, a situation that poses serious health risks to patients in need of blood transfusion.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Fresh killings rock Lake Zone towards Christmas

>Brutal killings of elderly people have been reported in the Lake Zone ahead of the festive season, The Citizen has learnt.


10 years ago


Msalato residents vow not to vote

Some residents who vacated their farms in 2011 to pave the way for the construction of an international airport at Msalato in Dodoma municipality have vowed not to take part in the forthcoming General Election following failure by the government to compensate them.


10 years ago


Kida is new ESRF executive director

>Dr Tausi Mbaga Kida has been named the new Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) Executive Director. The ESRF Board of Trustees made the appointment recently and Dr Kida was scheduled to assumed her new responsibility on Friday.


9 years ago


The HESLB Executive Director, George Nyatega

The HESLB Executive Director, George Nyatega
The Higher Education Students' Loans Board (HESLB) yesterday issued loans to 28,554 students out of 50,830 applicants for academic year 2015/2016. The total number of students who have received loans has now reached 40,836. The loans amounting to ...
Loans Board says it has served 80pc applicantsDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 2


10 years ago


LHRC Executive Director, Dr Helen Kijo

LHRC Executive Director, Dr Helen Kijo-Bisimba
Basing on a recent survey, the Legal and Human Rights Centre has said the current structure of the National Electoral Commission and the nature of proceedings in the Constituent Assembly make it impossible for Tanzania to have a people-centred ...


11 years ago


Former Ilala Municipal Executive Director Gabriel Fuime

Former Ilala Municipal Executive Director Gabriel Fuime
The 11 people accused of manslaughter following the March 2013 collapse of a 14-storey building in Dar es Salaam in which 27 people were killed were yesterday charged with murder. The prosecution also joined their case with that of the former Ilala ...


10 years ago


Twaweza Appoints Aidan Eyakuze as its new Executive Director

Aidan Eyakuze 
Twaweza East Africa today announced the appointment of Aidan Eyakuze as its new Executive Director. Eyakuze, who was selected after an extensive international search, will take up his new post on 1 March, 2015. He will replace Twaweza’s founder and current head, Rakesh Rajani.

Educated as an economist, Eyakuze has been a thought leader on issues of development in East Africa for the past 15 years. He currently serves as Associate Regional Director of the Society for...



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