
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


LAKE ZONE: Man commits suicide after dispute

>A resident of Uyombo District in Tabora Region, Mr Anthony Komba,30, hanged himself on a guava tree here after being chased away by his mother-in-law when he went at her house to take his children.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Dar man commits suicide

Dar man commits suicide
Daily News
TWO people died in Dar es Salaam on Sunday in separate incidents, Police have confirmed. In the first incident an old man identified as Hussein Kilindo whose age is unknown committed suicide by hanging himself to death in his bedroom at Mwanamtoti ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Dar man commits bizarre suicide

Dar man commits bizarre suicide
Daily News
TWO people died and two others have been injured in separate incidents which occurred on Wednesday in Dar es Salaam, police have confirmed. In the first incident a man identified as Philemon Joel (28) was found dead after committing suicide by hanging ...


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Union asks govt to solve dispute

>Nyanza Cooperative Union (NCU) has asked the government to intervene in the process of recovering assets that were sold contrary to regulations governing the union including quoting low prices.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Man gunned down in raid

>Emmanuel Faustine, a businessman in Igunga Township has been gunned down by suspected bandits who raided his shop and escaped with a substantial amount of cash whose value is yet to be announced.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Man gets 60yrs for rape of duo

>A resident of Old Misungwi Village in Misungwi District, Mwanza Region, Manota Doto, 45, has been sentenced to 60 years in jail as well as receiving six strokes of cane over two rape charges.


11 years ago

Business Standard

Libyan diplomat to Tanzania commits suicide

Libyan diplomat to Tanzania commits suicide
Business Standard
The acting Libyan ambassador to Tanzania, Ismail Nwairat, committed suicide Tuesday afternoon, Tanzanian government announced Wednesday. A statement issued by Tanzanian ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation said Nwairat shot ...


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Man accused of murdering his own 4-year old son

>A resident of Sima Village, Sima Ward in Sengerema District, Faida Iddi, 45, has been arrested for allegedly murdering his own son.  Mwanza Regional Police Commander, Valentino Mlowela, confirmed the incident, saying his officials were investigating the matter before taking the suspect to court.  “Among the things we are investigating is establishing whether the suspect is mentally fit or insane,” said the police boss.


10 years ago

Daily News

Omani national commits suicide in Zanzibar hotel

Omani national commits suicide in Zanzibar hotel
Daily News
THE body of an Omani man was found in his room at the Executive Hotel on the outskirts of Zanzibar town, police said. Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Mkadam Khamis, said police were informed on Friday and rushed to the scene where they found ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Arusha Police Officer 'Commits Suicide'

Tanzania: Arusha Police Officer 'Commits Suicide'
Arusha — The residential quarters behind the central police station here turned into an horror sight on Sunday afternoon after the body of a police constable residing in the area was found hanging from a tree. PC Halfani, who was attached to the Dog ...



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