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Leaders` spouses campaign for children with albinism

Leaders` spouses campaign for children with albinism
Leaders' spouses in Tanzania yesterday appealed for support for their newly initiated education programme focusing on building libraries for people with albinism starting with Kigoma, Mwanza and Shinyanga regions. They said they need financial capability ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Fox News

Children with albinism are segregated in Tanzania, often cut off from families

Children with albinism are segregated in Tanzania, often cut off from families
Fox News
GENEVA – The U.N.'s human rights office says the Tanzanian government's system of rounding up children with albinism in state-run education centers isn't adequately protecting them from widespread superstitious beliefs that human albino body parts will ...


10 years ago


AU sets up investigation on situation of children with Albinism in Tanzania

AU sets up investigation on situation of children with Albinism in Tanzania
The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) says an investigation mission on the situation of children with albinism hosted in Temporary Holding Shelters (THS) is being undertaken in Tanzania from 11-15 August, 2015 ...


10 years ago


Anglicans helping families accept children with albinism in Tanzania

Anglicans helping families accept children with albinism in Tanzania
Martha Mganga and her husband Edmund Mganga working to end stigma against people with albinism in Tanzania through the video “Watu Kama Sisi” (“People like us”). Photo Credit: Albino Peacemakers and Mennonite Central Committee. Related ...
World albinism awareness day to be observed in

all 3


10 years ago

NBC 10 Philadelphia

Philly Hospital Helps Maimed Tanzanian Children With Albinism

NBC 10 Philadelphia
Philly Hospital Helps Maimed Tanzanian Children With Albinism
NBC 10 Philadelphia
Five children with albinism, all with missing limbs, arrived in Philly to try and replace at least some part of what was taken from them. The children, all from Tanzania, lost their arms, hands and fingers when they were severed and sold on the black market.


10 years ago


Mwanza on sensitisation campaign to protect children against violence

Mwanza on sensitisation campaign to protect children against violence
A sensitisation campaign to protect children against violence has been launched in by a multi-faceted cooperation team in Mwanza. The team includes social welfare officers, civil society organisations, child protection teams from the Mwanza municipal ...


11 years ago


American People Support Micronutrient Powder Campaign for Improved Children’s Health

On Wednesday, February 19, the American People through the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Tuboreshe Chakula, project will launch a three-week Virutubishi micronutrient powder campaign in eight districts in three regions of mainland Tanzania and on the islands of Zanzibar to help combat childhood malnutrition.
Tanzania’s children suffer from various forms of malnutrition. Over half the children in Tanzania are anemic; one third suffers from Vitamin A...


10 years ago


Spouses Prosecuted Over Child Marriage

Spouses Prosecuted Over Child Marriage
THE parents of a 10-year-old girl and her husband, who are residents of Ibihwa village in Bahi District, Dodoma Region, are expected to appear in court today to answer charges for allegedly marrying off the child. Police in Bahi have confirmed the incident.


11 years ago


Diplomatic Spouses Group in Tanzania

>It was not easy for Nathalie Grolleman-Meusen to bid farewell to friends she had known for thirty years, back in the Netherlands. Those were her real friends she shared everything with. Yet, she was determined to make new friends at her new destination.


10 years ago


Hats, batons, walking sticks: soft features of leaders leaders op political leaders

Minus Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan, whose presidential luck run out after losing an election to Muhammad Buhari a little over four months ago, Africa has two reigning, hat-wearing heads of state.



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