
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Legislature charged with closer scrutiny of govt budget

Legislature charged with closer scrutiny of govt budget
Policy stakeholders have called on members of Parliament to be more focused on scrutinizing the national budget to ensure it meets people's needs and expectations. Tanzania is ranked the lowest among East African member states on the provision of ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Budget report book for public scrutiny underway

Budget report book for public scrutiny underway
The government will be issuing a special budget report book for distribution to communities, aimed at increasing general awareness on what the government does with budgeted funds. Chief Economist in the Ministry of Finance Adam Msumule said yesterday ...


9 years ago


Tourism to get bigger budget, says govt

Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Prof Jumanne Maghembe yesterday said the government would increase budget for tourism with the aim of devising ways of attracting more tourists.


11 years ago


Govt should think outside box in budget plan

Tomorrow Tanzanians will know how their lives are going to change in the next one year. The Finance Minister, Saada Mkuya, will deliver a 2014/15 Budget, which will, ambo other things, outline tax measures, which the government intends to implement in the next financial year.


11 years ago


Govt acts to plug budget deficit

The Consultative Committee involving the Standing Parliamentary Committee on Budget and some Cabinet ministers have agreed to reallocate extra funds to 13 items in a bid to seal the 2013/14 national Budget deficit.


10 years ago


Why govt is unable to increase health budget

Dar es Salaam. The government has blamed revenue shortfalls for its failure to allocate 15 per cent of the national budget to the health sector.


10 years ago


Govt fails to release budget reports

Govt fails to release budget reports
Failure by the government to release budget reports to its citizens has limited access of information to the majority citizens in making follow-ups about the country's development projects. THE Open Budget Survey (OBS) tracker being managed by International ...
Need to establish public money expenditure networkDaily News

all 2


11 years ago


Sh19.6 trillion govt Budget for 2014/15

The government is proposing to spend Sh19.6 trillion in the 2014/15 financial year, which would be an increase of Sh1.4 trillion over the just-ending year’s Budget. The 2013/14 Budget stood at Sh18.2 trillion.


11 years ago


Govt ignores our views on budget: Opposition

The Opposition Camp in Parliament has pointed an accusing finger to the government over failure to implement most of its proposals on the 2013/2014 national budget.


10 years ago


Financing next Budget huge challenge for govt

As Members of Parliament and the general public wait for the Minister for Finance, Ms Saada Mkuya Salum to unveil the 2015/16 budget proposals, the main question which lingers in their mind is how the government is going to finance the budget.



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