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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Letters from my fatherland: There’s always kahawa time

Coffee beans have a rich history in Tanzania. Coffee was introduced to local farmers pre-independence by the Germans. Since the 1890s, coffee became an important source of income for local farmers.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Letters from my fatherland, Tanzania

Greetings from Tanzania – the land of Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar! I can’t believe that I’ve already spent over two months here and am finally getting around to sending my updates! I have so much to write about and can hopefully convey all that I want to say about this beautiful country through my letters.


10 years ago


Letters from my fatherland: The first tears in TZ!

Greetings! A few months ago I visited my old home in Moshi -- where my siblings and I grew up. For the first time since I came to Tanzania, I cried. Before my trip, I had imagined that landing at the Kilimanjaro International Airport for the first time would bring tears to my eyes.


10 years ago


Letters from my fatherland: I am in love….

I have to admit that I’m in love with Kibong’oto! That small village that first captured my heart when I stepped there in January. I enjoyed its beautiful and calming environment.


10 years ago


Letters from fatherland: Where your Tanzanite jewelry comes from

During my time at Kibong’oto Infectious Diseases Hospital, I noticed a large percentage of our patients came from Mirerani because most of them are miners.


10 years ago


Letters from my fatherland: Food for nourishment

One of my best experiences in Tanzania involved eating various kinds of local foods. As a child, I could remember the taste of matoke, muhogo, and maandazi. As I was getting ready to leave for Tanzania, my mother advised me to eat all the fresh fruits and vegetables I could get my hands on.


10 years ago


Letters from my fatherland: The Old Moshi Mountains

A friend at Kibong’oto, Lilian, assured me that we would walk up to the mountains of Old Moshi to visit her parents. So, one Saturday morning we took a taxi to Bomang’ombe, which is half way between Kibong’oto and Moshi.


10 years ago


Letters from my fatherland: Vitality of a community

Over the years, I have realized the power of collective team efforts. Communities are a great example of the strength that lies in collaborative efforts.


10 years ago


Letters from my fatherland: Community life

‘Oyster Bay’ was the neighbourhood I lived in during my stay at Kibong’oto Infectious Diseases Hospital. The name comes from a famous and affluent neighbourhood in the city of Dar es Salaam.


10 years ago


Letters from my fatherland: Our old group of ten...

This column is dedicated to my childhood group of ten. It was a close-knit group of friends from the community which actually consisted of more than ten friends.



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