Lowassa presidential candidate under Ukawa
IPPmediaLowassa presidential candidate under Ukawa
The coalition of four opposition parties popularly known as Ukawa has endorsed former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa as its presidential candidate in the October General Election. The parties – Chadema, Civic United Front, NCCR-Mageuzi and National ...
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UKAWA presidential candidate Edward Lowassa
Chadema presidential candidate Edward Lowassa has finally become vocal over his anti-corruption stance, after nearly a month of silence over the issue his political rivals would use as a weapon to counter his moves to the State House. Lowassa, who ...
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Tanzania opposition agree to field presidential candidate
Tanzania's opposition parties – which have grouped under the UKAWA coalition – on Thursday agreed to field a candidate for the country's presidential election, slated for October. “We have agreed 100 percent to have one presidential candidate for the next ...