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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


LSF vows to invest more in paralegal, legal education

LSF vows to invest more in paralegal, legal education
A high percentage of the estimated 44 million people in Tanzania are not aware of their rights—legal, social, economic, civic, political and other basic rights, according to documented findings. Recent studies suggest that poor understanding of human rights ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


LSF Pushes to Improve Legal Access By Needy Locals

LSF Pushes to Improve Legal Access By Needy Locals
Legal Services Facility (LSF) will start funding paralegal units directly to ensure a broad cross-section of needy Tanzanians access legal aid. This was said by the Facility Fund Manager, Kees Groenendijk, in Dar es Salaam at a paralegal forum that ...


11 years ago


Invest more in education

Ms Aisha Ghuhiya of the Tanzania Institute of Education is touting the importance of sustainable development issues in the curriculum in schools. We should take her seriously.


10 years ago


Invest ample resources in the new education policy

For years,Tanzanians have been calling on the government to review the education policy to address numerous challenges and propel the country to new socio-economic heights.


10 years ago


Official urges parents to invest in education

Parents and guardians have been advised to invest in their children’s education for the betterment of their future lives.


9 years ago


Muhongo to invest Sh90m Bunge car loan in education sector

The newly appointed minister for Energy and Minerals, Prof Sospeter Muhongo, said he will invest the Sh100 million he was given by Parliament as a loan to purchase a vehicle in the education sector in his constituency.


9 years ago

Naugatuck Valley Community College News

NVCC's GEAR UP, Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund Host Girls and ...

NVCC's GEAR UP, Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund Host Girls and ...
Naugatuck Valley Community College News
Naugatuck Valley Community College's GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program) and the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Division partnered with the Connecticut Women's Education and ...
We Aren't Imagining It: The Tech Industry Needs More WomenLifehacker Australia
Women Must Have Equal Access to TechnologyBlogHer...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Muhongo to Invest Sh90 Million Bunge Car Loan in Education Sector

Tanzania: Muhongo to Invest Sh90 Million Bunge Car Loan in Education Sector
Musoma — The newly appointed minister for Energy and Minerals, Prof Sospeter Muhongo, said he will invest the Sh100 million he was given by Parliament as a loan to purchase a vehicle in the education sector in his constituency. He told The Citizen on ...


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: Crucial legal issues in legal estate law

>Real estate contracts are binding legal documents. They form the bases of the sale and buying of a property. The wishes or rather the agreements, terms and conditions of the buyer and a seller in the purchase are reflected in a contract.



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