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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Madras varsity may expel foreign student

Madras varsity may expel foreign student
The Hindu
The University of Madras has written to the Tanzanian embassy about one of its nationals who participated in Tuesday's student protest. University officials have stated that it is 'not tenable' for Bob Mahona to continue his education here. Bob was ...

The Hindu

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

The New Indian Express

After Student's Plaint, French Officials Visit Madras University

After Student's Plaint, French Officials Visit Madras University
The New Indian Express
CHENNAI: Days after a French national was allegedly roughed up by the university staff, officials from the French embassy, with whom the student has lodged a complaint, visited University of Madras campus on Friday. Sources said the embassy officials ...
Tanzanian student reinstated after intervention of embassyTimes of India

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11 years ago


Ardhi Varsity student challenges youth in a book

A third-year Economics student at Ardhi University, Mr Aman Nguku, has launched a book that challenges the youth to use their human and social capitals to realise their dreams.


10 years ago


11 more children discovered in ‘madras’

>Mystery surrounding the discovery of children purportedly being offered religious teachings inside in perculiar environment in Kilimanjaro Region deepened further yesterday after more youngsters from different regions in the country were discovered in another undercover centre.


10 years ago


DR Congo to expel African activists

The Democratic Republic of Congo government says it will deport four pro-democracy activists from Senegal and Burkina Faso arrested on Sunday.


10 years ago


UN warns Kenya not to expel refugees

The United Nations refugee agency says that closing Kenya's Dabaab refugee camp would have "extreme humanitarian consequences."


10 years ago


Tanzania president vows never to expel Maasai

Tanzania president vows never to expel Maasai
Tanzania's president has vowed never to evict the Maasai people from their traditional lands, which activists claimed were threatened by plans for a hunting reserve for the wealthy. "There has never been, nor will there ever be any plan by the government of ...
Tanzania denies plans to evict 40000 so Dubai royals can huntTimes LIVE
Maasai Community to Benefit From Sh45 Million
Tanzania's Maasai prefer death to...


10 years ago


Don’t expel students, varsities told

Dodoma. The government has ordered universities to stop suspending students for failure to pay fees if such students depend on loans from the State.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Senegal to expel Gambian dissident

The BBC's Abdourahmane Dia reports on Senegal's decision to expel a prominent Gambian opposition figure to France.


10 years ago


Bid to expel Shy Rose Bhanji from EALA flop

Suspension of a member of the East African Legislative Assembly from Tanzanian, Shy Rose Bhanji (pictured), from the Assembly’s commission was last evening halted due to lack of quorum minutes before members could cast their votes.The Assembly had shelved the first business on the order paper to debate a motion that sought to review the rules of procedure that had been interrupted in March to prioritise Bhanji’s suspension.But just as members were readying themselves to vote by way of secret...



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