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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Magufuli to boost irrigation schemes

Magufuli to boost irrigation schemes
CCM presidential candidate Dr John Magufuli has pledged to boost irrigation to facilitate modern farming that will allow for all year round production. The CCM presidential aspirant made the pledge yesterday at a public rally in Songea, Ruvuma.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Farmers appeal for irrigation schemes

>Paddy farmers in Shinyanga Region have called on the government to build them an appropriate irrigation infrastructure that would allow them to produce even during the dry season.


9 years ago


Magufuli: My dream is to boost access to water

Magufuli: My dream is to boost access to water
The CCM presidential candidate Dr John Magufuli has said the fifth phase government would bring tangible strategies to connect Bunda residents with clean and safe water in a bid to ease the shortages that has faced the residents since independence.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

President Magufuli wants Tanzanians to bear more children to boost economy

President Magufuli wants Tanzanians to bear more children to boost economy  The Citizen Daily


11 years ago


Invest in irrigation

Tanzania’s rain-fed agriculture is prone to the vagaries of weather. Because of this, 75 per cent of the 45 million people are poor, especially those who live in rural areas. Smallholder farmers dominate the sector. They have average farm sizes of 0.9-three hectares and cultivate 5.1 million hectares annually.


11 years ago


Our pension schemes must do much better

We recently reported that only two per cent of the working population is covered by pension schemes. Yes, that’s right. Only two out of every 100 workers have money stashed away to cater for their needs when they retire. We have it on the authority of Deputy Minister for Finance Adam Malima.


11 years ago


Only 2pc are under pension schemes in TZ

 Only two per cent of the working population in Tanzania is covered by pension schemes -- due to lack of public awareness on the importance of the arrangements for improving people’s welfare.


11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Why irrigation is key

A country that is unable to feed its people cannot justify its very existence. The Kilimo Kwanza initiative confirms the premium attached to agriculture by President Jakaya Kikwete’s administration. It is through such programmes that sufficient resources can be channelled into boosting agriculture to enhance food security.


11 years ago


Appeal to embrace irrigation

>The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives has been called upon to intensify irrigation farming education in efforts to increase productivity and ensure food security.


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Lowassa keen on irrigation farming

Lowassa keen on irrigation farming
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
IRRIGATION farming is one of the top priorities of Union presidential flag bearer on CHADEMA ticket, Mr Edward Lowassa, should he be elected to the highest office of the land. View Comments. Addressing thousands of Tarime residents over the weekend, ...
Ruling party CCM's John Magufuli and opposition Chadema's Edward Lowassa lock ...The Standard Digital News (satire) (press release) (registration)...



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