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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Malaria diagnosis now in 20 seconds with no blood

Testing for malaria, Africa’s biggest killer, has for many years involved pain and blood, with patients having to wait several minutes before knowing whether they are infected or not.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Scientists caution on malaria diagnosis

With most people believeing that the first malaria symptom is fever, researchers in the country have warned that most of the acute fevers are due to other infectious diseases — some of which are life-threatening and can not be treated with anti-malarial drugs.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Malaria deaths halved - in 15 seconds

Global efforts over the past decade have halved the number of people dying from malaria - a tremendous achievement, says the World Health Organization. Here's the story in 15 seconds.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Novartis and Malaria No More help fulfill malaria treatment goal in Zambia by raising funds for three million treatments through Power of One


-Power of One campaign, supported by exclusive treatment sponsor Novartis, raises funds for three million treatments for children with malaria

-Novartis associates rallied behind Power of One to fund close to 500,000 antimalarial treatments for Zambia

-Company reaches delivery landmark with 700 million antimalarial treatments supplied without profit in 60 malaria-endemic countries since 2001

Novartis ( announced today that, through Power of One, enough funds have...


11 years ago


Online self-diagnosis has merits

I used to be a hypochondriac, any little pain, throb or rash would send me straight to the laptop googling possible symptoms in search of signs to my impending doom. Needless to say google offered plenty of suggestions and vividly described worst case scenarios for each and every complaint. 


11 years ago


Malaria Course Ifakara 2014 (English) Capacity Building Course in Malaria Control Programs, with a focus on e-learning September 14th to October 11th 2014

Organised jointly by the Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health, Ifakara, Tanzania, and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute with the financial support of the Impact malaria, a Sanofi Access to Medicines program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Malaria course is a tutorial that is aimed at strengthening competence of researchers, public health personnel and care givers to fight Malaria in Africa. Participants are taught how to conduct...


10 years ago


Heart defect diagnosis on foetus

Dar es Salaam. Doctors in Tanzania can now diagnose heart defects in babies when they are still in the womb by using ultra-modern technology. The new development will see children born with heart defects get early treatment and enjoy their childhood.


10 years ago


Ebola diagnosis hits Liberia hopes

Liberia confirms its first new Ebola case in three weeks, dashing hopes of being declared officially free of the disease.


10 years ago



Contact specialists Jossekazi Auto Garage & General Supply located at Kinondoni, Dar es salaam  behind Best bite.
 Call 0718-437828 or  0765-743122.
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