
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Mali ends battle with rebel groups

The Malian government signs a ceasefire deal with rebels in a bid to end long-running unrest in the country's north.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Hostages freed as Mali siege ends

Mali's security forces storm a hotel in the central town of Sevare, ending a deadly siege and freeing several hostages.


10 years ago


Mali peacekeepers repel rebel attack

UN peacekeepers in Mali repel a rebel attack on Timbuktu for the second time in two days, amid an increase in fighting in the north.


10 years ago

Daily News

All's well that ends well

All's well that ends well
Daily News
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has once again demonstrated impeccable political credentials by striking a 'deal' with top office bearers of political parties with representation in Parliament on the new constitution process. It is sweet music to the ear to learn that ...


11 years ago


CA members to take oath in groups if...

>Constituent Assembly members should take oath in groups to save time, the draft Standing Orders committee has suggested.


11 years ago

Daily News

CA session ends in disarray

CA session ends in disarray
Daily News
THE Chairman of the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC), Judge (Rtd) Joseph Warioba, failed to table the second draft of the constitution in the Constituent Assembly on Monday evening as earlier scheduled after members of the assembly stood up in ...


9 years ago


S Sudan rebel 'may take up arms again'

Gen Johnson Oloni, a major rebel leader in South Sudan, tells the BBC he may have to take up arms again, despite the signing of a peace deal.


10 years ago


Why youth join terror groups

Why youth join terror groups
Local politicians, clergy and academicians have expressed mixed opinions over major motives behind worldwide terrorism and the ongoing trend of the local youth recruitment in terror groups, not completely ruling out religious doctrine as source of the ...


10 years ago


Now Anudo appeals to rights groups

>The man at the centre of a nationality dispute has asked human rights bodies and activists to intervene in his predicament so that the Prohibited Immigrant (PI) notice issued against him by the commissioner of Immigration can be cancelled.


11 years ago

Daily News

DC urges youths to work in groups

DC urges youths to work in groups
Daily News
CHAMWINO District Commissioner, Ms Fatma Ally has urged youths to be patient and work in groups in a bid to reduce income poverty. Speaking at a meeting with youths at her office recently, the DC noted that the district authority has invested highly on the ...



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