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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Mandela estate worth $4m

Executors say Mandela’s estate worth is estimated to be $4.1 million. The executors of Nelson Mandela’s estate were being expected to reveal his last will and testament later yesterday (Monday) amid a very public family feud over who will carry on the family name.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


REAL ESTATE LAW: Why real estate business is well worth considering

>Well, may be you are one of those people, who have thought of investing in a real estate business, but you do not know how or you are a person, who thinks real estate is for the people whose wealth is almost Sh20 billion. Such ideas come only when we lack knowledge about real estate. Have you ever asked yourself the following questions: what exactly is real estate?


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: Why I think it is worth having real estate lawyer

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11 years ago


Nelson Mandela 'left $4m estate'

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