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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Marital conflicts blamed for social moral decay

Marital conflicts blamed for social moral decay
Daily News
COUPLES have been urged to avoid constant conflicts in their marriages since they lead to significant decline in social morality. The call was made by Deputy Secretary General of the Tanzania Muslim Professionals Association (TAMPRO), Sheikh Mohamed ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


RC Meets Imams, Attributes 'Increasing' Child Abuse to Moral Decay

RC Meets Imams, Attributes 'Increasing' Child Abuse to Moral Decay
Zanzibar — SIDELINING Islamic teachings about child nurturing may be one of the main reasons contributing to child abuse in Muslim families in Zanzibar. In a meeting with Muslim clerics and Masjid leaders (Imams) in Zanzibar, the North Unguja Regional ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Flouting of laws, regulations blamed for urban decay

Flouting of laws, regulations blamed for urban decay
Daily News
POOR enforcement of laws and by-laws by local government authorities and lack of proper equipment to manage waste are to blame for rampant filth in many parts of the country, it has been observed. According to the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's ...


9 years ago


Lack of Knowledge Blamed for Workplace Conflicts

Lack of Knowledge Blamed for Workplace Conflicts
Zanzibar — Lack of knowledge about labour laws and rights at work are to blame for frequent avoidable conflicts between employers and employees. The Head of the 'Dispute Handling Unit (DHU)' in the Ministry of Labour and Public Service said that many ...


5 years ago


Map reveals Canadian mining company’s environmental, social conflicts

Map reveals Canadian mining company’s environmental, social conflicts


10 years ago


Why do we still think marital rape is a myth?

The number of women that think of marital rape as a myth is appalling. When I started to read up on marital rape in Tanzania, I particularly looked at blogs and spaces that gave people a chance to give feedback on their thoughts on the subject matter.


11 years ago


Pre-marital medical checkup

>Patrick Mushi, a father of two, has a healthy and happy family, thanks to his parents’ advice for him to investigate his fiancé’s health and social history.


10 years ago

Daily News

Activists push for introduction of marital contracts

Activists push for introduction of marital contracts
Daily News
IN an effort to safeguard the rights of couples in marriages, particularly women, activists in Zanzibar are calling for the review of Kadhis courts to introduce marital contracts. "It is high time binding contracts are introduced between husband and wife. This will ...


10 years ago


How marital contracts can protect women's rights in Zanzibar

How marital contracts can protect women's rights in Zanzibar
Despite their big contributions in their family matters, women's rights of having a share when their husbands die or get a divorce is difficult to attain due to some weaknesses in Zanzibar laws. Media Women's Association (TAMWA)-Zanzibar, has encouraged ...


11 years ago


Saving species a 'great moral cause'

"The human race and everything in the world will be poorer for ever" if poaching is allowed to eradicate endangered species, Foreign Secretary William Hague says.



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