MARKET DATA REVIEW: Missed opportunities in empowering our people
>Last week I talked of the need to consider local content, participation and economic empowerment in policies and laws we make, especially those involving key sectors of the economy or whenever we execute key policies that impact economic and social aspects of our people.
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
TheCitizen05 Jan
MARKET DATA REVIEW : Year of challenges and opportunities for stock markets
For one measure — market capitalisation and stock indices — stock markets across the world have had mixed results for the year just ended, 2015.
9 years ago
TheCitizen08 Dec
MARKET DATA REVIEW : Capital market as tool of financing our projects
There are two major encouraging statements that came to our attention recently, these statements came from the government: (i) the possibility of repossession of previously privatised state owned entities that were sold to some investors; and (ii) state owned entities, agencies and parastatals are now required to refocus on becoming more efficient and raise their financial needs from the local financial market.
11 years ago
TheCitizen25 Mar
MARKET DATA REVIEW: Privatisation as vehicle for promoting capital market
>Privatisation is the process of transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency, public service, or public property from the public sector (a government) to the private sector.
10 years ago
TheCitizen30 Jun
MARKET DATA REVIEW: Fundamental analysis on investment in shares
>If an investor had invested similar amount of money across 14 domestic listed companies on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE), the annualized capital gain return would have been 4.5 per cent. As the table below indicates – share valuation for some companies have grown up above 30 per cent while a few companies have lost – these are the normal workings of the market.
10 years ago
TheCitizen25 Nov
MARKET DATA REVIEW: Parastatals can raise funds through bourses
>This week there is an annual Association of Stock Exchanges in Africa conference hosted by the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
9 years ago
TheCitizen10 Nov
MARKET DATA REVIEW : In the creation of a good society, how are we defined?
It is fairly expected that, we as humans in our own ways should always be in the process of creating a good society — a society where citizens are largely satisfied, one where people are happy and thrive in their undertaking. A good society is one that values decency, responsibility, justice, tolerance and where natural human rights are observed.
9 years ago
TheCitizen25 Aug
MARKET DATA REVIEW : On becoming stock exchange for local community
Recently, the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) has been taking specific measures to address some of our specific local needs and challenges – it doesn’t serve better for any of us that after more than 15 years since the operationalization of the stock exchange in our economy, it remains just a superfluous high level concept, neither has it been understood nor efficiently used by our local communities to address some of their long-term capital needs on one side or investment...
9 years ago
TheCitizen22 Dec
MARKET DATA REVIEW : Why capital markets development is important
Since the enactment of the Capital Markets and Securities (CMS) Act, Cap. 79 of 1994 and the establishment of the Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA) in 1996, there has been several developments in the Capital markets in Tanzania.
9 years ago
TheCitizen01 Dec
MARKET DATA REVIEW : Reconsidering privatisation for better economic growth
At different phases of our socio-economic development agenda and objective, various policies, strategies and approaches have been chosen, for different purposes, some of the objectives relate to economic inclusiveness and empowerment to local citizens. I want to focus on the privatisation as a tool towards achieving inclusive economic growth.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania