
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


MCT: 5 more journo institutions qualified to use new curriculum

MCT: 5 more journo institutions qualified to use new curriculum
Acting Executive Secretary of Media Council of Tanzania John Mireny (R) speaks during a news conference at the MCT offices in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The council has okayed five journalism institutions to use new curricula that were approved by the ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Journo arrested for impersonating TISS officer

Journo arrested for impersonating TISS officer
A journalist with Voice of Tabora FM radio has been arrested for allegedly impersonating a member of the Tanzania Intelligence and Security Services (TISS). The journalist, Mussa Mbeko also known as Mussa Kyomo was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly ...


11 years ago


suitably qualified consultant sought!

Restless Development is the leading youth-led development agency, operating in Tanzania since 1993. Our mission is to demonstrate that young people can and are placed at forefront of change and development.  Our vision is to see young people taking up leadership roles which contribute to urgent development needs in support of the Government of Tanzania efforts as set out in the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA II.We provide training, mentoring, peer...


10 years ago

Daily News

All qualified pupils must go back to school

All qualified pupils must go back to school
Daily News
THE tough stance of the government in fighting illiteracy caught the attention of the international community in the late 1980s, such that many countries in Africa wished to learn about strategies employed to realise the objectives. The focus on education did not ...


11 years ago


Public hospitals short of qualified practitioners

Public hospitals short of qualified practitioners
Public hospitals are facing shortage of graduate health practitioners, with only 7,000 vacancies filled out of the 11,000 available in the 2013/2014 financial year. The number of students joining health colleges and universities is still small, creating the 4,000 ...


10 years ago


Is curriculum to blame for joblessness?

>On Tuesday, January 17, 2012, the Daily Monitor, reported “11,000 graduate to 83 per cent joblessness.”The headline was striking. It carried two interesting figures which equally presented double emotions.


9 years ago


Students want patriotism to be in curriculum

Arusha Secondary School students have asked the government to consider incorporating a civic and patriotism subject in syllabi at primary schools, secondary schools, and university levels in a bid to build their capacity to know and serve the nation.


10 years ago

Daily News

Madrassa to have uniform curriculum

Madrassa to have uniform curriculum
Daily News
ALL Quran schools (Madrassa) in Zanzibar may soon have a uniform curriculum should the proposed nationwide training seminars for the schools teachers be successful. Zanzibar Minister for Justice and Legal Affairs, Mr Abubakar Khamis Bakar who is ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

11 years ago


Teachers do not know how to interpret curriculum: report

Poor curriculum interpretation by most teachers in secondary schools countrywide is the leading cause of failures of candidates, a new report by the Uganda National



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