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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Media urged to disseminate govt audits to create public awareness

Media urged to disseminate govt audits to create public awareness
Media in the country have been urged to disseminate information about government audits and oversight bodies in order to create public awareness by at least 50 percent. The September to October research conducted by Twaweza had shown that only 34 ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Create career awareness to students, govt urged

Create career awareness to students, govt urged
Social Enterprises Director Dr Lwidiko Mhamilawa made the remark on Thursday during a career awareness creating event, known as Project Inspire, at Saba Saba grounds involving students from different secondary schools. He said the aim of the event is to ...


11 years ago


Govt urged to launch chemical management awareness drive

Govt urged to launch chemical management awareness drive
The government has been urged to actively implement the awareness and capacity building strategy to the public on proper management of chemicals so as to reduce its effects to human health and environment. The remarks follow the infamous acid ...


9 years ago


Govt urged to create a cervical cancer free TZ

The government has been urged to  include  the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in its vaccination programme to decrease the rate of cervix cancer in the country.


10 years ago

Daily News

Create conducive environment for referendum, govt urged

Create conducive environment for referendum, govt urged
Daily News
LEGAL and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) has urged the government to provide right environment to the public such that they make informed choices during the forthcoming referendum. Speaking to journalists, the LHRC Executive Director, Dr Helen ...


11 years ago


Govt urged to create code of governance for Dar corporations

“Any country that wants to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) must focus on improving corporate governance for that is what investors are looking for,” said Ms Valls, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Institute of Directors (MIoD).


10 years ago

Daily News

Media urged to educate public on corruption

Media urged to educate public on corruption
Daily News
KAGERA Regional Chief of the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), Mr Joseph Mwaiswelo, has challenged reporters from various media outlets to educate the public on evils of corruption during elections. Mr Mwaiswelo made the ...


11 years ago


Govt urged to amend oppressive media laws

Govt urged to amend oppressive media laws
The government has been called upon to scrap out and/or amend all oppressive laws which curtail the freedom of the media and expression and instead exhaust other remedies such as the Court of law and the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) to address its ...


9 years ago


Govt urged to amend Public Audit Act to increase internal auditors powers

Govt urged to amend Public Audit Act to increase internal auditors powers
The government has been urged to amend the Public Audit Act, 2008 and Internal Control and Internal Audit (Regulations) 2014 to increase autonomous of internal auditors. The Internal Auditor General, Mohammed Mtonga made the call in Dar es Salaam ...


10 years ago


How to create awareness on EA integration

>As the East African integration process continues, a new study has established new ways that can enable Tanzanians increase awareness about the integration process.



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