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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Members ‘should pray twice daily’

Constituent Assembly (CA) sessions should start and end with prayers, a member has suggested.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Z’bar Katiba members get Sh420,000 daily

The Zanzibar government has paid members of House of Representatives and ministers from the isles attending the Constituent Assembly an additional Sh120,000 in daily allowances, The Citizen has established.


9 years ago


East Africa: House Grants Leave to Two Members to Introduce Private Members' Bills

East Africa: House Grants Leave to Two Members to Introduce Private Members' Bills
Arusha — The Assembly has granted leave to two Members to introduce Private Members' Bills pursuant to article 59(1) of the Treaty and Rule 64 of the Rules of Procedure. Hon Margaret Nantongo Zziwa will move the EAC Whistleblowers Protection Bill, ...


9 years ago

Violent Elections

Three Bodies Pray for Non

Three Bodies Pray for Non-Violent Elections
AS Tanzania is approaching general election on October 25, this year, voters have been urged to maintain peace and tranquility as there is life after elections. In order to maintain the tempo, three institutions namely; the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ...


10 years ago

Says Sumaye

Pray for fair, peaceful polls

Pray for fair, peaceful polls - says Sumaye
Daily News
FORMER Prime Minister, Mr Fredrick Sumaye, has urged Tanzanians from all walks of life to pray for peaceful general elections this year, saying that most African countries have faced challenges during such a period. Speaking during a fundraising event for ...


9 years ago


VP appeals to clerics to pray for Zanzibar

Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan has asked religious leaders to pray for Zanzibar so that the ongoing political crisis is resolved peacefully.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Migrant: 'I pray to go and succeed'

Tijan Jagne is trying to save enough money to get to Libya and from there across the Mediterranean to Europe.


10 years ago

Daily News

Turn to God more, clerics pray

Turn to God more, clerics pray
Daily News
TANZANIANS joined the rest of the world to celebrate Easter on Sunday, with clergies countrywide imploring both Christians and non-Christians to turn to God, live by his rules and desist from sinful ways. Some of them linked the current wave of barbaric ...


11 years ago


Pray for unity, clerics urged

Deputy minister for Science and Technology January Makamba has called on clerics to pray for a unified Tanzania.


9 years ago

SDE Entertainment News

Why women pray someone would 'Magufulify' Christmas

SDE Entertainment News
Why women pray someone would 'Magufulify' Christmas
SDE Entertainment News
There is a joke going round that Tanzanians are terrified their president, John Pombe Magufuli, will cancel Christmas. If you just dropped in from outer space, let me catch you up. Our neighbours' ultra-new president has taken to cancelling things ...
Good governance: Ministers must show the wayDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Why I'm still cynical of President Magufuli's...



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