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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Ministry reacts to school closures over lack of food

>The government yesterday admitted that it owes Sh51 billion in arrears to food suppliers to public boarding schools countrywide, something that has affected the smooth running of the institutions.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


UNESCO updates distance-learning guide for the 776.7 million children worldwide affected by school closures

UNESCO updates distance-learning guide for the 776.7 million children worldwide affected by school closures  TechCrunch


10 years ago


Lives of children under special care in danger for lack of food

>The lives of 19 children under nutrition care at Muhimbili National Referral Hospital (MNH) are at stake, with supply of a special milk formula and nuts almost running dry.


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Lack of bridge disruption to school running

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Lack of sanitary towels stops girls from attending School

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10 years ago


'No school in Arusha will be closed over food shortage'

'No school in Arusha will be closed over food shortage'
Education authorities in Arusha yesterday confirmed that no secondary school will be closed because it is short of food. Arusha Regional Educational Officer, Nestory Mroka, told 'The Guardian' here that boarding schools in the region have enough food.


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Your Local Guardian

Tanzanian food odyssey lands Trafalgar Infant School pupils a prize

Your Local Guardian
Tanzanian food odyssey lands Trafalgar Infant School pupils a prize
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Green-fingered children at a Twickenham primary school have been awarded a special prize for "growing their own lunch". Your Local Guardian: Children at Trafalgar Infant School were awarded the grow around the world prize for their Tanzania-inspired ...



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