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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Mintries told to work on improving farming

Mintries told to work on improving farming
Daily News
FOR agriculture to make a turning point in the country's economy all mintries need to work together towards implementing cross cutting projects. Th call was made by Members of Parliament on Saturday while contributing views during a seminar to make the ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Work honestly, police officers told

Work honestly, police officers told
Daily News
COMMISSIONER of Police (CP) Mr Hamdan Omar Makame, who is responsible for Zanzibar affairs, has appealed to authorities in the islands to regard the Police Force in Zanzibar as their own institution. Mr Makame made the appeal in his address to First ...


9 years ago


Get back to work,Uchumi staff told

Uchumi Supermarkets workers were yesterday directed to report for duty today.


11 years ago

Daily News

Education standards seem improving

Daily News
Education standards seem improving
Daily News
THE Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, on Monday unveiled last year's Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) reports, saying the finding should address increasing pass marks. The report, prepared by the National ...


11 years ago


VIDEO: Improving education in Nigeria

Will Ross reports from a religious school in Kano - a city that has been attacked by Boko Haram several times.


10 years ago


Africa's Press Freedom Improving

Africa's Press Freedom Improving - Kikwete
TANZANIA President Jakaya Kikwete has said the freedom of the Press has slightly improved in Africa although a lot needs to be done by enacting relevant laws. Dr Kikwete said the improvement could be measured by the level of democracy demonstrated by ...


10 years ago


Improving Teaching in Science and Mathematics

Improving Teaching in Science and Mathematics
TANZANIA like many other countries of the world has a problem with mathematics. A number of learners either fear the subject or have difficulties in understanding and using it. In September last year (2014), International Commission of Mathematics ...


11 years ago

Charlotte Observer

Improving education, feeding kids

Charlotte Observer
Improving education, feeding kids
Charlotte Observer
Rebecca B. Wofford, of Selwyn, co-founded The Lunch Project in 2011. The amazing organization improves education by helping feed Tanzanian school children lunch every day while providing American children the chance to learn about cultural ...


10 years ago


VIDEO: Is life improving for African women?

The African Union summit is taking place in South Africa focusing on women's development and empowerment. But what has changed for women since 2002?


10 years ago


Experts propose ways of improving tourism

Tanzania’s tourism is growing at a remarkable rate, but more efforts are needed to improve service delivery for visitors.



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