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Mkapa - Zero HIV and AIDS in Tanzania is Possible

 Dr. Fatma Mrisho, Executive Director for Tanzania Commissions for AIDS (TACAIDS), joined by Former President Hon. Benjamin Mkapa (centre) and The Managing Director of AngloGold Ashanti - Geita Gold Mine Mr. Terry Mulpeter and Mr. Simon Shayo Vice President of Sustainability and their colleagues during the launch of Kilimanjaro Challenge 2015 campaign in  Dar es Salaam. TACAIDS received a cheque worth two hundred million so as to facilitate the eradication of HIV and AIDS in Tanzania. DC of...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Mkapa — Zero HIV and AIDS in Tanzania is Possible!


Dr. Fatma Mrisho, Executive Director for Tanzania Commissions for AIDS (TACAIDS), joined by Former President Hon. Benjamin Mkapa (centre) and The Managing Director of AngloGold Ashanti – Geita Gold Mine Mr. Terry Mulpeter and Mr. Simon Shayo Vice President of Sustainability and their colleagues during the launch of Kilimanjaro Challenge 2015 campaign in Dar es Salaam. TACAIDS received a cheque worth two hundred million so as to facilitate the eradication of HIV and AIDS in Tanzania.


DC of...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Mkapa to officiate The Kilimanjaro challenge against HIV and AIDS 2015


Mr. Simon Shayo Vice President of Sustainability at AngloGold Ashanti – Geita Gold Mine joined by Dr. Fatma Mrisho, Executive Director for Tanzania Commissions for AIDS (TACAIDS) and Mr. Tenga Tenga Communication Manager of  AngloGold Ashanti – Geita Gold Mine during the launch of Kilimanjaro Challenge 2015 campaign in Dar es Salaam.


Dr. Fatma Mrisho, Executive Director for Tanzania Commissions for AIDS (TACAIDS), joined by AngloGold Ashanti – Geita Gold Mine Sustainability Vice President...


10 years ago



Mr. Tenga Tenga PR and Communication Manager, GGM (left) joined by Ms. Fatma Fernandes Managing Director, Abel & Fernandes Communications (right) at the Kili Challenge Aution in Geita during the fundraising for GGM Kili Challenge against HIV and AIDS in Tanzania. GGM employees showing support at GGM Kili Challenge Auction in Geita for the fundraising against HIV and AIDS in Tanzania.… ...


10 years ago


Kili Challenge: Fighting HIV and AIDS in Tanzania

 Attendees from various public and private sector in support of GGM Kili Challenge Auction in Geita for the fundraising against HIV and AIDS in Tanzania. The ambassador of GGM Kili Challenge Lady Jay Dee was also present during the GGM Kili Challenge Auction in Geita for the fundraising against HIV and AIDS in Tanzania.GGM employees showing support at GGM Kili Challenge Auction in Geita for the fundraising against HIV and AIDS in Tanzania.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Fighting HIV and AIDS in Tanzania — Fundraising for a Greater Cause


Attendees from various public and private sector in support of GGM Kili Challenge Auction in Geita for the fundraising against HIV and AIDS in Tanzania.

Fourteen years have passed-by with more than 500 individuals across the globe participating, more than TZS 800 Million or US$500,000 have been raised annually to support the cause. In order to support the cause further GGM Kili Challenge also had a fundraising auction in Geita whereby TZS 150M or $65000 was raised in this joint effort that...


5 years ago


Cure for HIV/AIDS: Monthly Antiretrovirals Injection can now Treat HIV...

Cure for HIV/AIDS: Monthly Antiretrovirals Injection can now Treat HIV...  Hiptoro


10 years ago


Flag-Off of Kilimanjaro Challenge agaisnt HIV/AIDS in Tanzania.

 Vice President Geita Gold Mine (GGM), Simon Shayo, addressing the media  at the Flag Off Machame Gate in Moshi, Tanzania for the 14th year of Kilimanjaro Challenge which aims to raise funds to fight against HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. Kili Challenge Ambassador from South Africa's Rugby team Mr. Krynauw Otto (in blue) joined by other climbers at the Flag Off Machame Gate in Moshi for the Kilimanjaro Challenge which aims to raise funds to fight against HIV/AIDS in Tanzania sponsored by Geita Gold...


10 years ago


African in New York Episode 20 Promo : Could HIV/AIDS NGOs in Tanzania Share the Same Story with their Counterparts in Lesotho?

Lesotho is one of the smallest African countries. Being one of the smallest countries doesn't necessarily favor Lesotho when it comes to serious issues affecting the African economy in general. Regardless of its size, Lesotho like any other African country has to tackle all its economic issues and what impedes its economic growth.  A quarter of its population is HIV positive. The majority of the people living with HIV/AIDS are women. Almost 40 per cent of the population works in textile...


10 years ago



Vice President Geita Gold Mine (GGM), Simon Shayo, addressing the media (not in picture) at the Flag Off Machame Gate in Moshi, Tanzania for the 14th year of Kilimanjaro Challenge which aims to raise funds to fight against HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. Kili Challenge Ambassador from South Africa's Rugby team Mr. Krynauw Otto (in blue) joined by other climbers at the Flag Off Machame Gate in Moshi for the Kilimanjaro Challenge which aims to raise funds to fight against HIV/AIDS in Tanzania sponsored...



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