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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Monkey teeth fossils hint several extinct species crossed the Atlantic

Monkey teeth fossils hint several extinct species crossed the Atlantic  The Conversation UKAncient teeth from Peru hint now-extinct monkeys crossed Atlantic from Africa  Phys.orgHow Did Monkeys Come to the Americas? | Science  SmithsonianTwo primate lineages crossed the Atlantic millions of years ago  Science NewsMonkeys made their way from Africa to South America at least twice  New Scientist NewsView Full coverage on Google News

The Conversation UK

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


Ancient teeth from Peru hint now-extinct monkeys crossed Atlantic from Africa

Ancient teeth from Peru hint now-extinct monkeys crossed Atlantic from Africa  HeritageDailyView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Jakarta Post

Fossil teeth yield oldest genetic material from extinct human species - The Jakarta Post

Fossil teeth yield oldest genetic material from extinct human species - The Jakarta Post  Jakarta PostWorld's oldest DNA discovered in tooth of 8,00,000-year-old cannibal  Times NowView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Marooned baboon: Africa's loneliest monkey

Meet Robinson - the loneliest monkey in Africa


11 years ago

One Green Planet

This Adorable Orphaned Baby Monkey Was Rescued, Raised, And Then ...

One Green Planet
This Adorable Orphaned Baby Monkey Was Rescued, Raised, And Then ...
One Green Planet
They're small, furry, seemingly harmless, and adorably human-like, but in the end, monkeys are NOT meant to be pets. Unfortunately, the demand for monkeys and other primates for the exotic pet trade continues to increase. It has been estimated that ...
Baby monkey thrives in sanctuary after being raised in Tanzanian homeNew York Daily News

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10 years ago


The die is cast, Caesar said, and ‘crossed the Rubicon!’

The Rubicon is a muddy, shallow river north of central Italy flowing east from the Apennines into the Adriatic, forming part of the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Roman Italy.


5 years ago

Interesting Engineering

Coral Reef Habitats May Be Nearly Extinct by 2100

Coral Reef Habitats May Be Nearly Extinct by 2100  Interesting EngineeringScientists at the University of Hawaii, Manoa Predict 90% of Coral Reefs Will Disappear By 2100  TheInertia.comWeatherMinds: A grim future for coral reefs  KARE 11Earth's coral reefs could be gone by 2100, research finds  EuronewsEarth's coral reefs could be gone by 2100, research finds  NBCNews.comView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Morocco World News

Scientists Discover New Flying Reptile Fossils in Moroccan Sahara

Scientists Discover New Flying Reptile Fossils in Moroccan Sahara  Morocco World NewsView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


MARCUS: Donald Trump has crossed an uncrossable line of bigotry

With his call for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” Donald Trump has crossed an uncrossable line of bigotry and xenophobia.


5 years ago

News Landed

The coral reefs of planet Earth could be extinct by the end of this century

The coral reefs of planet Earth could be extinct by the end of this century  News LandedFossils help identify a lone 'bright spot' in a similar state to coral reefs before human impact  Phys.orgNew Study: No coral reefs by 2100 | WION News | World News  WIONNearly all coral reefs set for collapse by end of century, study finds  New AtlasUH scientists say coral reefs may be eliminated by 2100  KHON2 NewsView Full coverage on Google News



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