
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


More should be done to rescue African child

Last Monday was the African Child’s Day. This was amidst the backdrop of Nigerian school girls being abducted, and close home, having witnessed brutal child abuse cases symbolized by the kid (Nasra) from Morogoro who had been locked up in a box, and two other girls (Yusta and Merina) who were hospitalized as a result of brutality of their ‘bosses’.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Woman drowns in efforts to rescue child

Woman drowns in efforts to rescue child
Daily News
A 25-year old woman identified as Emelentiana Kakwezi from Bunazi village, in Misenyi District has drowned in a well as she tried fruitlessly to rescue her three year old son, who had fallen in the 25 meter well. The child also drowned. The Bunazi Village ...


11 years ago


FEATURE: African women to the rescue

>Africa’s female presidents: From Sirleaf to Samba-Panza, Africa looks to its women to fix its broken states, Charles Mwanguhya Mpagi writes of Africa’s three female presidents.


10 years ago

Men Accused Of Doing Little

African Child Day

African Child Day - Men Accused of Doing Little
"I AM a father by name only and the fact is I am a toothless bulldog. I have no decent means to care for my family," says John Bonde, a resident of Kimara Mwisho in Dar es Salaam. Bonde says that it has reached a point where he is unable to send his two ...


11 years ago


Budget and Day of the African Child

Monday was the International Day of the African Child (DAC) with theme for this year being “A child-friendly, quality, free and compulsory education for all children in Africa”.


5 years ago


​​​​​​​Ubungo targets 60m African child viewers on online learning by

​​​​​​​Ubungo targets 60m African child viewers on online learning by  IPPmedia


10 years ago


Who will come to the rescue of albinos?

>Assaults on albinos have been in the media spotlight for the past seven years, yet the only thing we know for sure is this:  They are attacked, mutilated and killed for their body parts--presumably for use in witchcraft concoctions. The people behind these inhuman and callous acts remain unknown even though investigators have arrested, interrogated and prosecuted many people reportedly hired to attack albinos.


10 years ago


Who will rescue our cricket team?

Bitterly disappointing. These two words best describe the national senior cricket team’s performance in this year’s ICC Africa Twenty20 Division 1 championship in South Africa. 


11 years ago


MY TAKE ON THIS: Someone to rescue the Katiba course is needed

If you are neither in Dodoma nor closely following what is transpiring in the designated Capital, you might not have a clue on a trying moment the new constitution writing process is in.



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