
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Motorists decry chaotic parking

>Residents here have complained against the poor parking infrastructure and arrangement supervised by a private agent.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Parking remains unsolved nightmare for Dar motorists.

Parking remains unsolved nightmare for Dar motorists.
When Mary Mwansau, a woman in her mid thirties, dropped a friend at Kariuki Hospital in Dar es Salaam this week, little did she expect to be confronted by parking agents from out of the blue, demanding parking fees. She could not understand why motorists ...


10 years ago


Dar Motorists Decry Harassment

Dar Motorists Decry Harassment
TAMBAZA Auction Mart has come under the spotlight, accused of harassing and terrorising Dar es Salaam motorists in the pretext of instilling discipline on the city roads. Traffic police officers have distanced themselves from the operations of the agency.


10 years ago


84 UDOM Students Held After Chaotic Demo

84 UDOM Students Held After Chaotic Demo
Dodoma — POLICE here are holding 84 students of the University of Dodoma (UDOM) for allegedly planning, fuelling and causing chaos here. The students were nabbed as they marched from the university's main campus to different government offices in ...


11 years ago


Kudos to traffic police for work in chaotic Dar

Those familiar with the congested Dar es Salaam roads will concur that much as they are normally lumped amongst the most corrupt segments in the public service, our traffic police in Tanzania’s commercial capital are doing a commendable job.


10 years ago


WARAH: Somaliland: an oasis of tranquility in a chaotic neighbourhood

>When I tell people that I have just returned from an international book fair and literary festival in Hargeisa, their reaction is usually one of incredulity.Really? they ask. You were in Somalia for a book fair? How is that possible?


10 years ago


Tanzania government sack six officials over chaotic local elections

Tanzania government sack six officials over chaotic local elections
DAR ES SALAAM (Xinhua) -- Authorities in Tanzania has sacked six district executive directors over negligence in overseeing local government elections held on Sunday across the east African nation. Hawa Ghasia, the Minister of State in the Prime Minister's ...
Six sacked over civic election flawsDaily News

all 3


10 years ago


Set more space for car parking

Set more space for car parking - call
Daily News
AS urbanisation catches up with all major cities in the country, planners have been challenged to ensure they set aside ample space for car parking. The challenge was thrown in the House here by a Deputy Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office ...


10 years ago


Brokers Harassing Motorists Face Axe

Daily News
Brokers Harassing Motorists Face Axe
DAR ES SALAAM Regional Commissioner, Mr Saidi Meck Sadiki has directed city authorities to stop using the services of auction marts after mounting complaints by motorists against the companies. Complaints against the auction marts in the execution of ...
Scrap auction mart parking services - RCIPPmedia
All set for countrywide civic elections on SundayDaily News

all 9


10 years ago


Scrap auction mart parking services

Scrap auction mart parking services - RC
Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Said Meck Sadiki has ordered the city's municipal councils to scrap parking services operations by Mwamkinga, Yono and Tambaza auction marts, saying the practice was causing intolerable chaos to road users.



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