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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


MP urges proper methods to handle chemical waste

MP urges proper methods to handle chemical waste
Daily News
PROPER and safe methods to dispose chemical waste should be put in place to curb the possibility of a national disaster. This was said by Mgogoni Member of Parliament Kombo Khamisi Kombo (CUF) who also wanted to know what the government has ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


How to handle chemical products

Cleaning is essential in maintaining a home free from harmful bacteria and viruses that may be potentially found in every corner of our homes. Day to day advertisements tell us of new and improved cleaning products in the market.


10 years ago


Using Right Methods in Campaign Against GBV

Using Right Methods in Campaign Against GBV
Zanzibar — IN efforts to stop child abuse, many organisations have been conducting awareness and education campaigns mainly in the media, including seminars/ workshops, posters and drama. It is clear that some methods of awareness are good and ...


5 years ago

Al Jazeera English

Coronavirus testing methods: What you need to know

Coronavirus testing methods: What you need to know  Al Jazeera EnglishUS Begins Blood Tests For Coronavirus Immunity: Reports  NDTV NewsAntibody tests key to ending COVID-19 lockdowns - The Jakarta Post  Jakarta PostCoronavirus: how we're creating a rapid test that could help halt the pandemic  The Conversation UKHow Antibody Tests Can Be Used To Fight COVID-19  ForbesView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


African scientists develop methods to avert outbreaks

Researchers on infectious diseases in Africa are now devising methods that could help overcome disease outbreaks.


10 years ago


UDOM students adopt Family Planning methods.

UDOM students adopt Family Planning methods.
About 2, 000 students of the University of Dodoma (UDOM), in have decided to follow family planning (FP) methods to control unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The move was in response to the ongoing one-week reproductive ...


10 years ago


Official: Why modern child birth control methods fail

>Outdated beliefs and distorted information on reproductive health has scared some women from using modern contraceptives, it was observed here last week.


9 years ago


Music: Chemical — V.I.P

Rapper wa kike Chemical ambaye anafanya vizuri kwasasa ametoa wimbo mpya mwingine unaitwa “V.I.P” Producer Maxmizer Jiunge na sasa Usipitwe!! Jiunge nasi kupitia Facebook, Twitter na Instagram ili kupata habari zote za town! Usikose kujiunga na Youtube kuangalia video zote kali kutoka Bongo5!


11 years ago

Daily News

An awesome task it is but they can handle it

An awesome task it is but they can handle it
Daily News
HEADS of state don't just wake up one fine morning and decide to announce a cabinet reshuffle. There must be a good reason for it. The timing must also be appropriate. Ministers are essentially principal assistants to a head of state or government, who ...


11 years ago


How to handle disputes amongst business persons

It is common for businesspeople to find themselves in business disputes in the course of business. When attempts to settle the dispute fails that is when a need for a suit in court arises



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