
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


MPs want immediate settlement of contractors debts

MPs want immediate settlement of contractors debts
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament have called on the government to promptly pay contractors as accumulated debts are now ranging between 850bn/- and 900bn/-. Debating budget estimates for the Ministry of Works on Wednesday, the legislators also punched holes ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


MPs: Government not complying, MPs just complaining on budgets

MPs: Government not complying, MPs just complaining on budgets
Parliament performance this week was put on a slate during debate, with MPs complaining that the law making organ is a letdown to the public. Debating the 2014/2015 budget discussion, some MPs expressed dissatisfaction with discussion among ...


10 years ago


Pretoria faces blackout over debts

South Africa's capital, Pretoria, could have electricity cut off over unpaid utility bills, the city municipality warns.


11 years ago


Govt to pay Sh14bn water debts

The minister for Water, Prof Jumanne Maghembe, has assured urban water authorities in the country that the accumulated debts amounting to Sh13.6 billion will be settled through budgetary allocations in the 2014/15 financial year through the Treasury.


10 years ago


Govt must pay its debts to sustain credibility

Under the principle that bears the poetic-sounding expression, “a gentleman’s agreement”, two parties strike a deal or transact business on the basis of trust. This is anchored in the belief that a gentleman is, by his very nature, a trustworthy person.


10 years ago


Tax compliance for contractors’ business

The Contractors Registration Board (CRB) 2012 Annual Consultative Meeting identified high taxes on construction equipment as among the major challenges facing the construction industry.


11 years ago


Yes, it is high time government cleared teachers` debts

Yes, it is high time government cleared teachers` debts
The Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa has declared that the government intends to clear all debts it owes to teachers during this financial year, an announcement that cannot be said to have been too soon. It is time that ...
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10 years ago


Govt debts to pension funds raise concern

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5 years ago


Coronavirus: A father's fears in Kenya's crowded Kibera settlement

A family of seven in one room in Kenya's largest informal settlement fear the spread of Covid-19.


10 years ago


Contractors' vocational training centre in offing

Contractors' vocational training centre in offing
The Association of Citizen Contractors Tanzania (ACCT) has announced its intention to establish a vocational training centre to enable its members improve their skill sets. Speaking yesterday in Dar es Salaam, ACCT Chairperson Milton Nyerere, said ...
Contractors to establish vocational training centreDaily News

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