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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


NASA Satellites Track How Quickly the Poles Are Melting – Greenland Lost 600 Billion Tons of Ice in 2 Months

NASA Satellites Track How Quickly the Poles Are Melting – Greenland Lost 600 Billion Tons of Ice in 2 Months  SciTechDailyGreenland Ice Melt Raised Ocean Level 2.2 Millimeters In Two Months  CleanTechnicaView Full coverage on Google News


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The Guardian

Greenland's melting ice raised global sea level by 2.2mm in two months

Greenland's melting ice raised global sea level by 2.2mm in two months  The GuardianGrace gravity mission captures Greenland ice loss  BBC NewsGreenland shed ice at unprecedented rate in 2019; Antarctica continues to lose mass  Phys.org6.4 Trillion Tons of Ice Lost: Antarctica, Greenland Melting Six Times Faster Than in the 1990s  SciTechDailyNASA data reveals Greenland lost 600B tons of ice last summer | TheHill  The HillView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago

Interesting Engineering

Ice in Antarctica Is Melting Remarkably Fast, According to NASA Satellite Images

Ice in Antarctica Is Melting Remarkably Fast, According to NASA Satellite Images  Interesting EngineeringSee record-high temperatures strip Antarctica of huge amounts of ice  Livescience.comNew NASA Photos From Antarctica Reveal Shocking Levels of Ice Melt  ScienceAlertNASA Images Show Antarctica’s Eagle Island Almost Ice-Free  CleanTechnicaDramatic Melting of Antarctica Under Record Heat Caught by Shocking NASA Satellite Images  SciTechDailyView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago


Ice loss in Antarctica and Greenland increased sixfold in the last 30 years

Ice loss in Antarctica and Greenland increased sixfold in the last 30 years  Livescience.comScientists Determine Polar Ice Caps Are Melting Six Times Faster Than in the 1990s  Sputnik InternationalGreenland and Antarctica ice loss accelerating  BBC NewsWorst-Case Climate Change Scenario: Greenland and Antarctica Losing Ice 6x Faster Than Expected  SciTechDailySix-fold jump in polar ice loss lifts global oceans  Phys.orgView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago

Universe Today

Greenland and Antarctica are Losing Their Ice 6 Times Faster than in the 1990s

Greenland and Antarctica are Losing Their Ice 6 Times Faster than in the 1990s  Universe TodayJust How Fast Are Polar Ice Caps Melting? Here’s What Scientists Say  The RisingView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


Melting ice in Antarctica reveals new uncharted island

Melting ice in Antarctica reveals new uncharted island  Livescience.comView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Guardian

Polar ice caps melting six times faster than in 1990s

Polar ice caps melting six times faster than in 1990s  The Guardian


10 years ago


Satellites track snail disease risk

Scientists are monitoring snail habitats from space in a bid to combat the spread of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis in Africa.


5 years ago


Mercury's extreme daytime heat turns its poles into ice making chemistry lab: Study

Mercury's extreme daytime heat turns its poles into ice making chemistry lab: Study  FirstpostMercury's 400 C heat may help it make its own ice  HeritageDailyView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


NASA satellite captures Antarctica melting during heat wave

NASA satellite captures Antarctica melting during heat wave  CNET'Antarctica Melts,' NASA Says, Showing Effects Of A Record Warm Spell  WJSUNASA Reveals Shocking Ice Cap Melt in Antarctica After Record Heat  VICEAntarctica shock: Before and After pics show horror of ice melt after record-breaking heat warming off Antarctica could trigger rapid sea-level rise  The Weather NetworkView Full coverage on Google News



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