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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Need for Inclusive Quality Education for all dominates World Education Forum


Opening of World Education Forum 2015, Seoul. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon centre, at the opening of the World Education Forum 2015, in Seoul. He is flanked by Hwang Woo-yea (left), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education of the Republic of Korea; and Irina Bokova, Director-General of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 19 May 2015. Seoul, Republic of Korea. (UN Photo/Evan Schneider).

Tanzania’s Minister for Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT),...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Is inclusive education really understood?

Is inclusive education really understood?
Almost five years have already passed since Mohamed Seif (23) graduated his secondary certificate education in one of the famous secondary schools in Dar es Salaam (name withheld). Unfortunately, Seif who is currently a mechanic in his late father's ...


11 years ago


How language transitions hinder 'inclusive education'

How language transitions hinder 'inclusive education'
In Tanzania transition from home to primary school is difficult because Kiswahili is not known by many children in rural areas. Have you ever thought of your most remarkable academic life transition? For Denis Edwin (28) academic transition from primary ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Establish an inclusive multi-stakeholder Education

Mr. Bertin Mushi, Marketing Manager Promasidor Tanzania Ltd and Ms. Fatma Fernandes from Abel & Fernandes Company Ltd exchanging ideas with primary school children at the Launch of Hatua Jithamini TV show.

Mr. Bertin Mushi, Marketing Manager, Promasidor Tanzania Ltd and Ms. Fatma Fernandes from Abel & Fernandes Company Ltd exchanging ideas with primary school children at the Launch of Hatua Jithamini TV show.

Children from different primary schools at the launch of Hatua Jithamini Show which will be aired on Star TV every Saturday at 7.30 pm and TV1 at 11.30am.

Children from different primary schools at the launch of Hatua Jithamini Show which will be aired on Star TV every Saturday at 7.30 pm to 8pm and TV1 at 11.30am.

Education is more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic. It is one of the most important investments a country can make...


11 years ago

Daily News

Disabled people call for inclusive education system

Disabled people call for inclusive education system
Daily News
TANZANIA has to promote an inclusive education system through which multi disabled students can excel as it has been their dream for so long. Tanzania League of the Blind (TLB), Vice-Chairman, Mr Robert Bundala said recently that the system must ...


11 years ago


EDUCATION: JK defends all-inclusive university loans policy

>President Jakaya Kikwete has said that his government would not change its position on giving loans to higher learning students studying in private universities because many parents didn’t have the ability to pay for their children’s fees without assistance from the government.


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Africa: Need for inclusive growth,adequate investment in education

>Africa, the second largest continent in size (land mass) and population (about one billion inhabitants), is the poorest of all continents in the world. Yet, the same Africa is said to have more natural resources now than any other continent.


10 years ago


Provisions on quality education

The proposed Constitution may become our new Constitution from May next year if things go well during the referendum. The proposed Constitution luckily has, among other things, guaranteed a right to primary education to every Tanzanian child [Article 53 (1)(c)].


11 years ago


Let’s now focus more on quality of our education

Enrolment in Tanzanian secondary schools is presently impressive, with regions like Kilimanjaro and Dar es Salaam going beyond the government directive that at least 70 per cent of all who pass their national Standard 7 exams should be admitted to Form One.


11 years ago


Unesco: This is the way to quality education for all

>Tanzania needs Sh536 billion annually to hire new teachers in its endeavour to provide primary education for all, according to a new report.



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