Need to campaign decently
Need to campaign decently
Daily News
THE campaigns for this year's general election, slated for October, have just begun. CCM launched theirs with much pomp and pageantry in Dar es Salaam last Sunday. There are indications that Chadema will kick-start their campaigns in the city on Saturday.
Daily News
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
TheCitizen24 Nov
Allow Mawazo's people to mourn him decently
The ban the police imposed on mourners seeking to give a final farewell to the fallen Chadema chairman in Geita Region Alphonce Mawazo violates rights and freedoms which Tanzanians have enjoyed since independence.
10 years ago
TheCitizen27 Apr
EDITORIAL: Treat teachers decently
>The era is long gone in Tanzania, when someone’s name being prefixed by ‘Mwalimu’ was a great honour. Nyerere’s association with the education sector consolidated his popularity, by being informally designated as teacher of his countrymen, after becoming a full-time politician.
9 years ago
TheCitizen19 Aug
ELECTION SEASON FUN : Wagagagigikoko turned into campaign platform a campaign issue
Being a resident of Tabata who works in a company based in Tabata, irrigates my throat with yellowish liquids in a Tabata-located bar, sleeps and snores on a bed located in a room that belongs to a house in Tabata, and attends send-off (as opposed to send-away) parties in Tabata-hosted halls, I am literally cut off from the rest of Dar es Salaam.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania