
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


New AG appeals for time to review State contracts

>New Attorney General (AG), George Masaju yesterday said that he generally does not see controversy in the contracts that the government has entered with foreign investors, asking for time to review them.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

State keen to review bus, truck drivers' contracts

State keen to review bus, truck drivers' contracts
Daily News
THE government has promised to review the contracts of all drivers in the country to ensure the documents are legally binding. Speaking during a meeting with top leaders of truck and bus driver associations, the Deputy Minister for Labour and Employment ...


9 years ago


I’ll review all gas contracts: Lowassa

Chadema Presidential candidate Edward Lowassa yesterday assured Lindi Region residents that if elected in the October polls, his administration would review all contracts related to gas so that every mwananchi would be involved and benefit from the sector.


9 years ago


Govt orders review of privatisation contracts

The government has summoned investors who bought public farms and factories in a new bold move to review the largely failed privitisation of state-owned entities.


9 years ago


Lowassa reiterates pledge to review mining contracts

Chadema presidential candidate Edward Lowassa yesterday said that if elected his government will review all mining contracts and scrap all exploitative ones.


9 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania's opposition vows to review mining, gas contracts

Reuters Africa
Tanzania's opposition vows to review mining, gas contracts
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's main opposition presidential candidate said he would review mining and gas contracts, and also scrap "unnecessary" tax exemptions for mining companies, if elected president of the east African nation in October.
In Tanzania: Opposition vows to review mining, gas contractsPulse Nigeria
Ukawa launches presidential campaign with huge turnoutDaily News Dr Magufuli...


10 years ago

Daily News

State withdraws Bill on statistics for review

Daily News
State withdraws Bill on statistics for review
Daily News
THE government withdrew the Statistics Act 2013 bill that it had tabled in the morning with a view to reviewing it before it tables it again in the National Assembly. The Minister of Finance, Ms Saada Mkuya, told Parliament last evening that the bill would be ...


9 years ago


Review time as Premier League goes into recess

It’s now time for teams’ assessment as the Mainland Vodacom Premier League goes on “leave” to think of upsets and successes.


11 years ago


State to review framework of pact on Nile basin

State to review framework of pact on Nile basin
The government will soon convene a meeting to review the comprehensive framework agreement on the Nile basin which will ensure that it does not affect water users in Egypt and other countries, the Parliament was told here yesterday. Minister for Foreign ...
Meeting Planned to Review Nile Basin
Tanzania calls for equal share of River

all 4


10 years ago


KATIBA REVIEW SPECIAL: High unemployment ‘time bomb’

>The National Employment Policy of 2008, which basically is a revision of the same policy of 1997, defines unemployment as: “a situation of total lack of work of an individual. It can be viewed as an enforced idleness of potential wage earners or self-employed persons that are able and willing to work, but cannot find work.



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