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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


New Study Looks into Why Females Live Longer than Males

New Study Looks into Why Females Live Longer than Males  VOA NewsMammal study explains 'why females live longer'  BBC NewsScientists investigate why females live longer than males  HeritageDailyData analysis shows nonhuman female mammals also live longer than males  Phys.orgIt's not just humans: Female animals live longer than males by an average of 18.6 per cent  Daily MailView Full coverage on Google News

VOA News

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Tech Explorist

Among wild mammals too, most females live longer than males

Among wild mammals too, most females live longer than males  Tech ExploristIt's not just humans: Female animals live longer than males by an average of 18.6 per cent  Daily MailLike humans, most female mammals live longer than males, study finds  CNNView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Shorter men likely to live longer: Study

>Here’s some good news for gents who may have been robbed of a few inches in height: A new study shows that shorter men may live longer. In fact, according to data culled from researchers out of the University of Hawaii, the taller the men, the shorter they lived.


11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Curb pollution, live longer

>Solid waste management in many parts of the country, particularly Dar es Salaam, is below standard.


5 years ago

Tech Explorist

We live in a halo of dark matter, study

We live in a halo of dark matter, study  Tech ExploristA New Analysis Has Failed to Find a Dark Matter 'Glow' in The Milky Way's Halo  ScienceAlertView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Buhari has no problem shaking hands with females

There's an on-going debate on Twitter over Buhari's handshake with the new Mrs Oshiomhole. Some very conservative Nigerians say it's against his religious values and so, inappropriate. But president-elect Buhari doesn't seem to have a problem shaking hands with females. He's done it a few times before. See more photos after the cut...
His wife also shakes hands of men...

Posted by Linda 


5 years ago

Daily Mail

Size matters! Female narwhals are attracted to males with the biggest tusks

Size matters! Female narwhals are attracted to males with the biggest tusks  Daily MailBig tusks are sexy, if you're a narwhal  CNETStudy explains what makes “unicorns of the sea” so sexy  InverseFor narwhals, the 'unicorn of the seas,' size matters for sexual selection  Phys.orgFemale narwhals are attracted to males with the biggest horns – which they use as ‘sexual weapons’  The SunView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Sun

Female narwhals are attracted to males with the biggest horns – which they use as ‘sexual weapons’

Female narwhals are attracted to males with the biggest horns – which they use as ‘sexual weapons’  The SunFor narwhals, the 'unicorn of the seas,' size matters for sexual selection  Phys.orgView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: 320,000 males undergo ‘cut’ in 3 regions: doctor

>Some 320,000 men voluntered for circumcision by last month in three Lake Zone regions in a campaign to prevent HIV spread.


10 years ago


SOCCER: ‘We no longer need Maximo’

>The marriage between Marcio Maximo and Young Africans officially came to an end yesterday when the club’s chairman, Yusuf Manji, revealed that they no longer need his services.



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