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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Nigeria bank account to fight fraud

Nigerian government departments told to ensure all transactions pass through a single bank account by the end of Tuesday as part of anti-fraud measures.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Ghost pension fraud blocked by bank official

>Stanbic Bank has bust an inside fraud syndicate in which the schemers attempted to siphon at least Sh8.6 billion of pension money stashed away on fake accounts in the bank.


10 years ago


Bank fraud suspects in Kenya, FBI warns

>The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has asked Kenya to help arrest a ring of international bank hackers and cyber criminals based in the country.


11 years ago


Keep your cash safe, open a bank account

Once upon a time, 90 Dar residents dreamt of rising above poverty. They wanted to start or expand their businesses.


11 years ago

Daily News

Power firms sue Standard Chartered Bank (HK) over 'fraud'

Power firms sue Standard Chartered Bank (HK) over 'fraud'
Daily News
THE Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL) and Pan African Power Solution Limited (PAP) have filed a suit at the High Court in Dar es Salaam, demanding 3,240,000,000 US dollars (about 5.3tri/-) from Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ...


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Uganda’s oil account has $36m, central bank report shows

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10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania current account deficit narrows 23 pct in year to April: central bank

Hindustan Times
Tanzania current account deficit narrows 23 pct in year to April: central bank
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's current account deficit narrowed 23 percent in the year to April, helped by a drop in the bill for oil imports and improved performance of the tourism and manufacturing sectors, its central bank said on Thursday. The gap ...
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9 years ago


Scammers target Nigeria anti-fraud move

Fraudsters are posing as banks helping Nigerians register with an anti-fraud measure, according to the Central Bank of Nigeria.


5 years ago


Nigeria visa firm owned by man on fraud charges

Mahmood Ahmadu was allegedly involved in a fake recruitment drive, which saw 16 die in a stampede.


9 years ago


Women's bank helps in fight against cancer

Covenant Bank, Tanzania's women bank, has joined hands with Tanzania Breast Cancer Foundation (TBCF) to rise Sh120 million in support of  breast cancer patients.



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