
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


No tangible fruits as cotton plan ends

Almost all targets set by the Tanzania Cotton Board (TCB) to transform the cotton sub-sector under the second Cotton Sector Development Strategy (CSDSII), have not been met, BusinessWeek has learnt.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Why the game plan is all wrong and won’t yield desired fruits

>There is no denying it: Our education system is in trouble—serious trouble. The education budget may have tripled in the past decade, but millions leave school without the basic skills and competencies they need to make it in today’s world. Schooling is increasingly empty and hollow—and fails to deliver on the promise of learning.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

How to reap the fruits of the digital economy

How to reap the fruits of the digital economy  The Citizen Daily


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Let's do the following to reap the fruits of the digital economy

Let's do the following to reap the fruits of the digital economy  The Citizen Daily


10 years ago


Assistance in legal matters bearing fruits.

Assistance in legal matters bearing fruits.
Legal assistance and related services provided to needy people in Tanzania by paralegals has started to bear fruits, thanks to the Legal Services Facility (LSF) funding basket. It has so far offered grants amounting to about Sh 20bn/- to legal aid organisations ...


10 years ago


Dodoma reaps the fruits of modern grape farming

Farmers enjoy bumper harvests, thanks to scientific growing methods


10 years ago

Daily News

Concerted interfaith activities bear fruits in Kilimanjaro

Daily News
Concerted interfaith activities bear fruits in Kilimanjaro
Daily News
INTER Religious Council for Peace Tanzania (IRCPT) and Interfaith committees have greatly changed the Kilimanjaro region, by bringing harmony between the residents and supporting them in economic activities. The Council and committees that advocate ...


10 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Of the referendum in Scotland and fruits of Zanzibar…

>Scots. Scottish.  How many Scots have you heard or do you know?  Alex Ferguson, legendary Manchester United coach. Or Brendan Rodgers of Liverpool.  Maybe football is not your thing. How about James Bond, one of the best exports of UK culture, played by Sean Connery, the Scottish actor?  Not a movie person? Prefer females?  How about the 2009 “Britain Got Talent” sensation, Susan Boyle.


9 years ago


VIDEO: Zimbabwe's cotton challenge

Low cotton prices are forcing small scale Zimbabwean farmers to grow other crops.


11 years ago


American affair with cotton frays

Cotton is no longer king of the US apparel industry as lower prices fail to revive consumer demand and once-mocked man-made fibres take a permanent place in American wardrobes.



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