Now that the Pope is in East Africa, here is a bad Catholic’s take on the Church
Pope Francis, “the peoples’ popeâ€, and the most progressive—and popular—pontiff arrived in Kenya last night, on a trip that will also take him to Uganda and the troubled Central African Republic.
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
TheCitizen25 Nov
East Africa set to accord Pope hearty 'karibu'
Pope Francis arrives in East Africa today in his first visit to Africa since he ascended to the papacy in 2013.
10 years ago
TheCitizen26 Apr
MSHOMBA: Why banning ‘mitumba’ is bad for East Africa’s economy
>One of the most common arguments for trade barriers is that they are needed to create or protect domestic jobs. It is an easy argument to make because it sounds patriotic, even if it is flawed.
10 years ago
TheCitizen06 Oct
Pope Francis backs Church on review of marriage, family
>Pope Francis on Sunday issued a strong signal of support for reform of the Catholic Church’s approach to marriage, cohabitation and divorce as bishops began a landmark review of teaching on the family.
9 years ago
TheCitizen03 Jan
East African youth back Pope over climate change matters
The Roman Catholic youth from East Africa have praised Pope Francis for his unwavering stand on climate change issues.
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com04 Jan
Tanzania: East African Youth Back Pope Over Climate Change Matters
The Economist
Arusha — The Roman Catholic youth from East Africa have praised Pope Francis for his unwavering stand on climate change issues. The youth said the Pontiff has stood out among the world leaders as an outstanding advocate of environment protection.
Ross Douthat's Erasmus LectureNational Catholic Reporter (blog)
Ushering in the Year of Mercyucanews
Letter: 'Year of Mercy' should include repentanceSalt Lake...
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com21 Dec
East Africa: Why All East Africans Are Looking Up to Magufuli
The Observer
In the club of East Africa's Presidents, Tanzania's new leader John Pombe Magufuli is a lonely man. His peers threw their weight behind his electoral opponent, and when he won, they refused to even acknowledge him with routine congratulations. In ...
What would Magufuli do to attain sustainable energy access in Africa?The Observer (blog)
all 5
9 years ago
BBC25 Nov
9 years ago
BBC26 Nov
Pope hits out at trafficking in Africa
Pope Francis says during his visit to Kenya that the illegal trade in ivory and diamonds fuels conflict and could destroy Africa's environment.
9 years ago
BBC25 Nov
VIDEO: On board the Pope's plane to Africa
Prior to his arrival in Kenya for a three-nation African tour, Pope Francis was filmed on board the papal plane greeting reporters.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania