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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


‘Oil and Gas: Fiscal Challenges of Tanzania’s Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs)-Tanzania Statoil Deal @statoilasa @exxonmobil @noradno

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Zitto Kabwe, MB

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Confidentiality clauses in Tanzania’s oil, gas agreements

A heated debate is raging in Tanzania regarding whether or not the Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) that the country signs with international oil companies should be made public.


11 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Tanzania to lose up to $1b under StatOil PSA: Open these Oil and Gas Contracts

Tanzania to lose up to $1b under StatOil PSA: Open these Oil and Gas Contracts


Zitto Kabwe, MP

When news of the leaked Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) between Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) and Norweigean State Company StatOil came out through social networks, the discussion was muted. When a blogger Ben Taylor wrote a brief about it, some of us saw how serious the issue is. According to the article...


11 years ago


EAC partner states advised to design fiscal policies for oil, gas management

East African Community (EAC) partner states have to design fiscal regimes which will enable them to manage their oil and natural gas wells, it was observed here on Wednesday.


11 years ago


The challenges of boosting Tanzania's rice production

The challenges of boosting Tanzania's rice production


11 years ago


Oil, natural gas industry: the way forward for Tanzania TANZA Tanzania

The call by the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) and other Tanzanian stakeholders that a special arrangement be put in place to enable Tanzanian individuals and groups overcome the challenges arising from huge capital and costly risks experienced in the oil and natural gas exploration industry is timely.


11 years ago


Uganda’s oil and gas production regulations in the offing

Uganda’s Ministry of Energy and the country’s National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) have put up a committee that will develop standards and regulations meant to govern the oil and gas production phase expected to start in 2018.


11 years ago


How myopic oil and gas policies will doom Tanzania

The warning is contained in a final consultancy report on Evidence-based Research and Policy Review on Oil and Natural Gas Sector commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Tanzania), which is implementing Oil for Development project.


10 years ago


Tanzania must avoid oil and gas ‘resource curse’

In My Book of Things, Tanzania stands an excellent chance of falling into the excruciating clutches of the hydra-headed monster commonly referred to as a ‘resource curse.’



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