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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Oil firms rob Tanzanians of Sh18bn yearly: report

>Oil marketing companies have been stealing imported petroleum products worth Sh18 billion annually, according to a stakeholders’ report.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Nine wholesale oil firms lose licences over non-compliance

The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (Ewura) has revoked wholesale licences of nine companies dealing with petroleum in the country.


11 years ago


Uganda, three oil firms sign $20m deal

With the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the government and three oil companies, Uganda could benefit from investments worth $20 billion.


11 years ago


Four oil, gas service firms secure EPZA nod

>The Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) has entered into agreements with four firms for them to offer various services to multinational companies dealing with oil and gas exploration in Mtwara Region.


11 years ago


Firms hide thieving workers: report

Tanzania could be losing $10 million (Sh16 billion) annually as a result of thefts in financial institutions, the latest Financial Crimes report reveals. This is enough cash to run for a year the ministry for Labour and Employment, which has been allocated Sh14.9 billion for 2013/14.


10 years ago


Oil retailers, marketing firms clash over Sh92 litre profit

A row is simmering between oil retailers and marketing companies over how to share the Sh92 that they earn as profit on every litre of petroleum products sold to final consumers.


10 years ago


Tanzanians to use Sh21bn on oil daily

Tanzanians will be spending more than Sh21 billion every day on petroleum products in the next five years as fuel consumption is set to rise dramatically, fuelled by an abrupt shift in lifestyles.


5 years ago

The Guardian

Report reveals ‘massive plastic pollution footprint’ of drinks firms

Report reveals ‘massive plastic pollution footprint’ of drinks firms  The Guardian


10 years ago


Firm offers oil, gas scholarship to ten Tanzanians

Ten Tanzanians are set to join different universities in the United Kingdom for a one-year scholarship programme in oil and gas.


10 years ago

Nyasa Times

Tanzanians torch Malawian with petrol — Report

Tanzanians torch Malawian with petrol – Report
Nyasa Times
A group of sawyers from Tanzania, popularly known as Swahili, on Monday afternoon poured petrol and torched 25 year-old Malawian Ken Banda at Mazamba Forest in Mzimba District following a quarrel over cooked beans, according The Nation newspaper ...
Breaking: Tanzanians burn Malawian to ashesMalawi24

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