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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Old bone dates human hand evolution

The discovery of an ancient bone at a burial site in Kenya puts the origin of human hand dexterity more than half a million years earlier than previously thought.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


A nearly 2m-year-old bone gives more tips to evolution

An expert says a modern-like hand in the past would tell us when humans became fully terrestrial and when and how efficiently our ancestors used tools,”distinguishing humans


11 years ago


Healing by hand: The bone setter of Dar

Alex Msuba, 69, serves his clients in a small hut just a few metres from his rented room in Mabibo. His is not your usual mud hut but one made from polythene bags. 


5 years ago


Ancient gut microbiomes shed light on human evolution

Ancient gut microbiomes shed light on human evolution  Phys.orgTrillions of tiny organisms may have shaped humanity in 3 ways  InverseView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tourism, air transport must go hand in hand

One of the most striking aspects in CCM’s 2015-2020 manifesto is the ruling party’s desire to see Tanzania attract two million tourists come 2020, up from the current 1.1 million.


9 years ago


Tourism, air transport must go hand in hand

One of the most striking aspects in CCM’s 2015-2020 manifesto is the ruling party’s desire to see Tanzania attract two million tourists come 2020, up from the current 1.1 million.


10 years ago


Hand in Hand, Tanzanian People and Chinese Companies Make the Dream of Development Come True as Embassy of China in Tanzania holds the Excellent Employee of Chinese Company Awards Ceremony

On 25th April 2015, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Republic of Tanzania holds the “Excellent Employee of Chinese Company Awards” ceremony, honoring the excellent Tanzanian and Chinese employees in Chinese companies for their outstanding performance.  H.E. Amb. Dr. LU Youqing, Ambassador of China to Tanzania, Mr. WU Xiaoyi, Senior Consultant, Mr. LI Xuhang, Political Councilor, Mr. LIU Dong, Cultural Councilor, Mr. Lin Zhiyong, Chief Economic & Commercial...


10 years ago


The Evolution to web 3.0

Since talk about the Web 3.0 has surfaced in the last year or so, a whole new level of confusion seems to have set in. But there’s no point discussing 3.0 without looking at 1.0 and 2.0 the latter of which we are still in the infancy stages, according to analysts. Anyone who’s been around the internet over the past plus minus two decades can remember the switch from 1.0 to 2.0. 1.0 is usually referred to as the shopping cart era of the web, or the first generation of the web.


5 years ago

Tech Times

800,000-year-old Human Fossil Is Discovered by Scientists Containing Important Genetic Evidence on Human Evolu

800,000-year-old Human Fossil Is Discovered by Scientists Containing Important Genetic Evidence on Human Evolu  Tech Times


11 years ago


Why quorum is the bone of contention

>As the Constituent Assembly (CA) embarked on a debate of the second draft constitution on Tuesday, it appears the quorum from Zanzibar when adopting contentious chapters, especially the Union structure, may not be attained.



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