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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


One out of 4 people in Africa a victim of hunger, WFP says

Africa still has some of the highest rates of malnutrition and if nothing is done to curb the high numbers, there will be 40 million children malnourished by the year 2020, Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, has said.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

New World Bank Group Push to Revive Agriculture, Avert Hunger for over One Million People at Risk in Ebola-hit Countries


Makhtar Diop, World Bank Vice President for Africa.

Record 10,500 tons of seed to be delivered for April planting season

In a concerted push to revive agriculture and avert hunger in Ebola-hit countries, the World Bank Group has mobilized up to $15 million in emergency financing to provide a record 10,500 tons of maize and rice seed to over 200,000 farmers in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in time for the April planting season.

More than one million people could go hungry unless they...


11 years ago


Hunger ‘eats up 16.5 per cent of Africa GDP’

Child under nutrition caused by hunger is causing an estimated loss of between 1.9 per cent and 16.5 per cent of gross domestic products (GDP) among African countries as costs to health and productivity per year, a new study shows.


9 years ago


Africa oil and gold tax for hunger fund

Congo-Brazzaville, Guinea, Mali and Niger agree to a micro-tax on oil, gold, phosphate and uranium to finance a UN fund to fight malnutrition.


9 years ago


East Africa hunger to worsen as El Nino strikes the region

Conflicts, floods and failed rains caused by El Nino have sparked a dramatic rise in the number of people going hungry in east Africa, especially in drought-hit Ethiopia, the United Nations said Thursday. El Nino, a global weather pattern that periodically wreaks havoc, is expected to last until early 2016.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

The richest people in Africa: Mohammed Dewji named youngest billionaire in Africa


24. Mohammed Dewji

Net Worth: $2 BILLION

Industry: Diversified

Country of Citizenship: Tanzania 

Age: 39

Number of Jobs Created: 16,800

Mohammed Dewji has seen his net worth rise considerably over the past year as his MeTL group, a conglomerate in 11 countries with interests in trade, FMCG and manufacturing, undergoes significant expansion.

Click here to view the view the complete profile of Mohammed Dewji


10 years ago


VIDEO: Africa 'no continent for old people'

A new index suggests that African countries are among the world's worst places to be old in. Here is the story in 15 seconds.


9 years ago


Poaching to render 4m people jobless in Africa

Poaching to render 4m people jobless in Africa - ministry
Dr Adelhelm Meru, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism's permanent secretary, has warned that poaching could affect as many as 3.8 million tourism-sector jobs across Africa, including guides, drivers and hotel and restaurant staff. According ...
Ugandan Elephants' Long March to
Tanzania Sees Tourism Decline as Elephant Poaching Deters GuestsBloomberg
Human-Elephant Conflict Needs More...


10 years ago


22m people in africa face ebola threat

Scientists at Oxford University in the United Kingdom have put Tanzania on the list of 15 African countries that are at high risk of an Ebola outbreak. They have also warned that more than 22 million people across Africa are at risk of infection.


5 years ago


Coronavirus: What Africa countries are doing to help people to eat amid the lockdowns

What Africa countries are doing to help people to eat amid the lockdowns.



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