
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


OPINION : Stop Complain , give us the evidence

Some presidential aspirants in the ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) have gone public with concerns about so-called massive corruption which, they say, has compromised the internal electoral process. There has even been talk of voters being bribed openly.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Defeated candidates complain over graft in opinion polls

Defeated candidates complain over graft in opinion polls
Daily News
SOME CCM women contestants for Special Seats in Rukwa Region have charged that opinion polls were marred by acts of corruption. Last week, the Rukwa Region Chama Cha Mapinduzi women wing held preferential polls for parliamentary aspirants for ...


11 years ago


Pistorius to give new trial evidence

South African athlete Oscar Pistorius will testify for a second day at his murder trial, after an emotional first appearance in court on Monday.


9 years ago


These Girls Complain If They Can't Go To School

These Girls Complain If They Can't Go To School
Hello pencils, hello books, hello teacher's dirty looks. Yes, school is back in session. And students are no doubt grumbling about the end of the carefree summer. But in some parts of the world, there are kids who don't get a chance to complain about ...


10 years ago


Industrialists complain over energy costs

Tanzania has the lowest electricity tariffs in East Africa. But manufacturers say the costs should be lowered further for the country to attain its semi-industrialised goal as envisaged in the Vision 2025


10 years ago

Daily News

Chalinze villagers complain of elephant attacks

Chalinze villagers complain of elephant attacks
Daily News
MAGOME villagers in Chalinze division's Pera Ward in Coast region are living in fear of attacks by rampaging elephants that have recently invaded the area and destroyed farms. Two incidents have taken place in the area in a few months. In the first incident, ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Kibaha villagers complain about undeveloped farms

Kibaha villagers complain about undeveloped farms
Daily News
RESIDENTS of Disunyara village at Kilangalanga ward in Kibaha District, Coast Region have asked for immediate action to be taken against owners of underdeveloped farms for, bringing problems to villagers. Speaking during a meeting last week, the ...


10 years ago


Women in business complain about red tape in EA borders

Women in business complain about red tape in EA borders
Concrete steps should be taken by the government and the Tanzania Women's Chamber of Commerce (TWCC) to reduce red tape at Tanzania's borders and enhance women's cross border trade. The TWCC facilitator, Ndemanyiswa Mbise, said this in her ...



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