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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Opposition in House pushes for withdrawal of disaster handling Bill

>The official opposition in Parliament yesterday demanded that the government withdraw the Disaster Management Bill, 2014 arguing that it contravenes the constitution.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Bill passed with only two opposition MPs in House

Yesterday, they stood asking the House Speaker to compel Mr Ngwilizi to withdraw his statement, but their requests were watered down by Ms Makinda who said the House will review the Hansard to find out the authenticity of their claims. Aggrieved by Ms Makinda’s decision, the two furious MPs walked out of the debating chamber.


11 years ago


Regional Electronic Bill in the offing …House grants Hon Dr. James Ndahiro leave to introduce Private Members Bill

image001 East African Legislative Assembly
East African Legislative Assembly, Arusha, June 5, 2014: At the just ended Sixth meeting of the 2nd Session, EALA has granted Hon Dr James Ndahiro leave to introduce a Private Members’ Bill on Electronic transactions. The Bill is known as the EAC Electronic Transactions Bill, 2014. The object of this Bill is to make provision for the use, security, facilitation and regulation of electronic communications and transactions, to encourage the use of...


10 years ago


Bunge calls for improved Disaster Bill

Bunge calls for improved Disaster Bill
Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (Policy, Coordination and Parliamentary Affairs) Jenister Mhagama. Some members of Parliament have called on the government to further improve the disaster management bill 2014 which was tabled yesterday ...
Zitto bids House farewell formallyDaily News

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11 years ago


Regional Parliament set to table disaster Bill

The East African Community (EAC) Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Bill, 2012, will be among three to be tabled during the regional parliament session which starts in Kampala today.


11 years ago


Opposition: We want media services bill now

The Opposition Camp in Parliament has expressed its dismay over the delay by the government to table the Media Services and Freedom of Information bills.


10 years ago


Opposition joins in condemnation of Media Services Bill

>The Opposition yesterday joined the media fraternity in castigating the government over the Media Services Bill 2015.


10 years ago


Govt tables new Vat Bill, Opposition says it’s bad

>The government yesterday tabled the Value Added Tax (VAT) Bill, 2014 which among other issues aims at improving a system of collecting revenue and seal loopholes for tax evasion.


11 years ago


Bill to regulate house rents in pipeline

Plans are underway to table a Bill in Parliament that will regulate landlords and bar them from setting unilateral rental charges.


10 years ago


Anti-narcotics bill for tabling in House

After months of dilly-dallying, the government will finally table the anti-narcotics Bill in the ongoing parliamentary meeting.



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