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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Our scribblers were ‘prized’ for their stories

It happens to virtually all of us who are condemned to having to earn our daily bread trying to inform, educate and entertain using this alien language called English. We’re talking about mixing the spelling of words that sound alike while they bear totally different meanings.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

International Business Times UK

Five Africa Stories You Should Know About

International Business Times UK
Five Africa Stories You Should Know About
International Business Times UK
Police are looking for a man who killed eight people and injured three, Tanzania Citizen newspaper reported. The killings began on Saturday night and included a raid on a bar, but the gunman has also been attacking people he meets on the road.
Tanzania manhunt for serial killer in TarimeThe Standard Digital News

all 4


5 years ago

The Economist

Will new stories mean new subscribers?

Will new stories mean new subscribers?  The Economist


10 years ago


Telling the forgotten stories of MV Liemba

To the passengers aboard the Tanzania Railway Limited (TRL) coach, these were just some wazungus enjoying life in this part of the world. But for the Das letzte Kleinod, this was a pursuit of stories that connect the Germany landscape to the rest of the world.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Living with Ebola: Your stories

BBC Africa shares photos, messages and videos sent in by users of the BBC Ebola Facebook community and WhatsApp information service.


10 years ago


Let’s tell our stories, beloved African press

In the backdrop of what happened at the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ magazine headquarters and the Hyper Cacher grocery in Paris leaving 17 innocent people dead, there have been discussions regarding how the Western Media covered the event, with some African commentators especially in the social media blaming the West of bias.


10 years ago


2014 was of glitter and success stories

>Curtains will finally roll down on 2014, in five days time and this shall be our last issue of the Beat Magazine as we usher in 2015.


10 years ago


`Be brave when covering terrorism stories`

`Be brave when covering terrorism stories`
Panelists who held discussions with CNN Multi-Choice African Journalists awards for 2014 finalists in Dar es Salaam on Friday advised the finalists to be brave when covering issues related to terrorism. The finalists who are from 18 African countries, ...


5 years ago


Racism in Russia: Stories of prejudice

People of colour in Russia tell the BBC how racism has affected their lives.


11 years ago


There are not enough storytellers telling African stories

>Lisa Noudehou clearly remembers how her father used to read to her when she was a little girl. Together, they would make up stories and enjoy each other’s company that way. Now that Lisa has children of her own – Matoko (19) and Sena (15) – she has had many made up stories with the two of them.



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