
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Our votes to side that can deliver, say Masasi residents

Votes from residents here will go to candidates who clearly show how they plan to implement their promises within specific timeline, it was revealed yesterday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


We are tired of empty promises: Masasi residents

Residents told The Citizen during Chadema campaing rally at Deko grounds that they have for many years been filled with too many promises during election time:


5 years ago


Three human-like species lived side-by-side in ancient Africa

Two million years ago, Africa was home to three human-like species, new discoveries reveal.


9 years ago


We want asipirants who can deliver

We want asipirants who can deliver - Mbowe
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
THE Coalition of Four Opposition Parties (UKAWA) has reiterated that its survival and quest to get into power is only through hard work and having people at constituencies who can deliver. Speaking to journalists at a campaign rally in Kawe area in Dar ...


11 years ago


Msd must deliver the goods

Wellbeing is a basic human right. While there are many factors that contribute to good health, reliable access to medicine is critical. Ensuring there is adequate supply of medicine and medical equipment is the business of the Medical Stores Department.


9 years ago


Will WTO MC 10 deliver for Africa?

The 10th Ministereal Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will be held in Nairobi from 15th to 18th December 2015. The event is expected to be attended by trade negotiators of the 161 WTO Members States including Dr.Ekwow Spio Garbrah, the Honourable Minister for Trade and Industry , and even delegates from non-member countries. 


10 years ago


‘Let us see your degrees deliver at the workplace

Graduates from the Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) have been challenged to put into use knowledge acquired from the college in order to deliver in the new workplaces as well advance themselves.


10 years ago


Half of women ‘deliver by op at Muhimbili’

>The high  rate of births delivered through  Caesarian section at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) took centre stage at a symposium yesterday.


9 years ago


We should team up to deliver credible polls

The “victory is a must” mentality is commonplace amongst the so-called emerging democracies in Africa.


11 years ago


Why Egypt's Sisi might struggle to deliver

Why Egypt's new president might find himself struggling to deliver



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