
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Over 2,000 aliens caught trying to register as voters

Kagera leads regions which have arrested many illegal immigrants attempting to register


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Aliens listed in voters register

Aliens listed in voters register
Daily News
TWENTY-SEVEN aliens registered in the permanent voters register (PVR) in Misenyi District were arraigned on Friday, Misenyi District Immigration Officer, Laurent Mutare said. According to Mr Mutare, 10 Rwandese and five Ugandans were nabbed at Kyaka ...


9 years ago


Over 300,000 voters struck off the register

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) announced yesterday that 23.7 million Tanzanians will be eligible to vote in next month’s General Election.They are among 24,001,134 people who were listed during the biometric voter registration  countrywide earlier this year.


10 years ago

Daily News

4000 aliens 'sneak' into permanent voter register

4000 aliens 'sneak' into permanent voter register
Daily News
OVER 4,000 aliens are reported to have deceitfully registered in the permanent voter register (PVR) in Kyerwa District, Kagera Region, which observers have described as a serious security risk. Latest reports have it that a total of 12,128 Rwandese and ...


10 years ago


Voters to review register

After the successful completion of voter registration using the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) kits in the Dar es Salaam region, which also marked the end of the exercise to update the permanent voter register in the country the National Electoral Commission (NEC) has embarked on verification of the register.


11 years ago


Eligible voters to register afresh

Daily News
Eligible voters to register afresh - NEC
Daily News
THE National Electoral Commission (NEC) said on Tuesday that all eligible voters have to be registered as part of updating the voter register. The NEC Chairman, retired Judge Damian Lubuva, said in Dar es Salaam that all eligible voters - with or without ...


10 years ago


Government pressured over permanent voters' register

Government pressured over permanent voters' register
The government has been pressured to tell the public as to why it was dilly dallying to register all eligible voters in the country in the permanent voters' register. The Leader of Opposition in the Parliament, Freeman Mbowe told Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda ...


11 years ago


NEC delves into untested waters on voters register

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) is set to delve into untested territory, by seeking to go hi-tech in the 2015 General Election.


11 years ago

Daily News

NEC pushes for Isles 'clean voters register'

NEC pushes for Isles 'clean voters register'
Daily News
THE National Electoral Commission (NEC) plans to re-register all eligible voters in the country using Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) technology. Introducing the plans in Zanzibar at a press conference, NEC Commissioner, Ms Mchanga Hassan Mjaka, ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Bukoba residents urged to register in voters' permanent book

Bukoba residents urged to register in voters' permanent book
Daily News
BUKOBA Urban Member of Parliament, Ambassador Khamis Kagasheki (CCM) has reminded residents in the region on the importance of registering themselves in the Voters' register, adding that those who will fail to register themselves will miss the ...



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