
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Parents pull pupils out of schools

>Some parents from the pastoralist communities in Arusha and Manyara regions are reported to be taking their children out of primary schools ahead of this week’s national Standard Seven examination.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Wazazi schools told to pull up socks

Daily News
Wazazi schools told to pull up socks
Daily News
THE Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, has challenged the parents wing of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi-WAZAZI- to make sure its projects including secondary schools are revived to be able to compete effectively. Mr Pinda's remarks have come a day after the ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Parents accused of collusion in pupils' exam failure

Parents accused of collusion in pupils' exam failure
Daily News
IT has emerged that some parents collude with their children to underperform in primary school education so they fail the final examination. The parents reportedly do so in order not to incur costs for educating their children to secondary school, despite the fact ...


10 years ago


'Kinondoni schools face problem of homosexuality among pupils'

'Kinondoni schools face problem of homosexuality among pupils'
An overwhelming number of children in Kinondoni District, Dar es Salaam Region, are said to engage in homosexuality while at school. According to Milka Simkonda, the Kinondoni Social Welfare Officer, almost 300 primary school pupils were engaged in ...


10 years ago


Why parents prefer English in schools

The research involved 1,381 respondents in Mainland TZ


10 years ago


Parents’ greatest fear as schools open

>It is that time of the year when children go back to school after the long December holidays. There are usually a lot of things to be taken care of and money is involved here. The truth is that this is the time when most people’s pockets are empty after December spending.


11 years ago

Daily News

Students' gambling craze worries parents, schools

Students' gambling craze worries parents, schools
Daily News
THE mushrooming of betting kiosks in urban areas in the country is worrying parents, guardians and school administrators as students take to gambling with zeal. In a survey conducted recently by the 'Sunday News,' the general consensus among the ...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Covid-19: Tales of woe by Tanzanian parents children as schools remain closed

Covid-19: Tales of woe by Tanzanian parents children as schools remain closed  The Citizen Daily


10 years ago


Ukawa right on referendum pull out, but ...

I have long felt that, as part of uniting an already polarised society like ours before it is too late, there are areas our politicians need to decide independently from their party stands -- making of the new constitution is one.


11 years ago


Pull s. sudan from the brink

South Sudan gained independence in July 2011 against the backdrop of a peace agreement that ended Africa’s longest civil war.



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