
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Pay us to guard the polls: militia

At least 114 militia in Handeni urban constituency have today  said they won’t participate in guarding polling centres if the authorities fail to pay them allowances.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Scandal: Pay up or pay the price, says minister

>Legislators wound up a heated debate on the Tegeta escrow account scam yesterday, with Deputy Finance Minister Mwigulu Nchemba directing the taxman to collect all money due from those linked with the scandal through Mkombozi and Stanbic banks.


11 years ago


Troops try to disarm militia in CAR

French and African peacekeepers seize weapons from militia in the capital of the Central African Republic as they try to end sectarian strife.


9 years ago


Libya militia chases away US troops

US forces flown to Libya to support government troops had to leave after landing because of demands from a local militia group, US officials say.


10 years ago


UN to act on Libya militia leaders

The UN Security Council calls for an immediate ceasefire in Libya and sanctions against those involved in the recent surge in violence there.


10 years ago


Libya agrees truce with militia

The Libyan army declares a partial ceasefire, two days after some of the militias in western Libya announced a truce.


11 years ago


Sanctions on Congo militia poachers

Armed groups that finance their operations by trafficking wildlife in the Democratic Republic of Congo are to be targeted by UN sanctions.


10 years ago


Militia seizes Tripoli airport

A militia alliance in Libya says it is in control of Tripoli's airport as infighting between rival armed groups continues.


11 years ago


AU brands CAR militia an "enemy"

African Union (AU) peacekeepers in the Central African Republic will treat the anti-balaka militia as enemy combatants from now, their commander says.


9 years ago

Daily News

EU, Isles House warn parties against militia use

EU, Isles House warn parties against militia use
Daily News
THE European Union and the Zanzibar House of Representatives have warned political parties against trying to replace the police with party militias. The two have asked political parties to instead respect the laws of the country and the limits of party ...



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