
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Pension fund role for Africa development underscored

The pension funds in East Africa are facing the challenge of teaming up with other regional pension funds, particularly, with those in the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) to raise more funds for infrastructure development.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Elders to enjoy pension fund in 2015/16

Elders to enjoy pension fund in 2015/16
Daily News
THE government has said that in the coming 2015/16 financial year, they will start paying pension fund to the elders who have never been employed before. Deputy Minister for Labour and Employment, Dr Makongoro Mahanga, told the National Assembly ...


11 years ago


Pension fund gives Sh60bn loans to Saccos

PPF Pensions Fund lent more than Sh60 billion in the past 10 years to savings and credit cooperative societies (Saccos).


11 years ago


Pension reforms and economic development

Pension funds are a growing influence in our national economy -- despite their relatively small contribution in the capital formation through local listed equities (where pension funds investments in our listed equities is less than 10pc -- I believe the ongoing reforms and as more new and bankable IPOs come into play, the rate of pension funds investment in listed equities will eventually increase.


11 years ago

Daily News

VP stresses mathematics role in development

Daily News
VP stresses mathematics role in development
Daily News
JUST as information communication technology (ICT) is crucial in the current globalised world, that is how Mathematics is important in the development of science and technology of any country. Vice-President, Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal, stated in Dar es ...


11 years ago


Redirect Constituency Development Fund

Tanzania (read ‘the Govt and institutions’) has acquired the dubious reputation of having some of the world’s better (but mostly theoretical) development policies, strategies and other frameworks.


10 years ago

Northern Voices Online

Cooperatives should play significant role in the implementation of development ...

Cooperatives should play significant role in the implementation of development ...
Northern Voices Online
Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Agriculture Minister has urged the cooperatives to play a significant role in the implementation of initiatives taken by Government for the welfare of the people. This they can do by providing better services to members ...
Strengthening Coop Movement for Improved

all 2


9 years ago


CCM cadre out to form economic development fund

CCM cadre out to form economic development fund
CCM contender for the Arusha Urban constituency Phillemon Monaba has pledged to form an Arusha Economic Development Fund (AEDF) through which he would offer financial support to the various Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (Saccos) in the ...


11 years ago


Envoy emphasises vital role of media in national development

Envoy emphasises vital role of media in national development
The role of media in national socio-economic and political development has again been emphasized as a vital ingredient to a healthy democracy. Speaking at farewell event held on her behalf at weekend Dar es Salaam, outgoing Norwegian Ambassador to ...
Women contribute to development- AmbassadorDaily News

all 3


10 years ago

Daily News

Local councils urged to fund development of squatter areas

Local councils urged to fund development of squatter areas
Daily News
THE government has ordered all councils in the country to set aside funds from their internal sources to be used to develop unplanned settlements. Deputy Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Ms Angela Kairuki, said ...



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